You Could Get Followed by Deadpool on Twitter

Deadpool finally has a second movie coming out this year, so it's about time for the Merc with a [...]

Deadpool finally has a second movie coming out this year, so it's about time for the Merc with a Mouth to follow a second account on Twitter, right?

To this point, the official Deadpool Twitter has famously only ever followed one other account – Hello Kitty. However, as of an announcement earlier this morning, Wade Wilson is looking for another user to follow, and it could be you.

The account posted a tweet to all of its followers issuing a challenge, asking them to make suggestions as to who Deadpool should follow next, along with a picture of his "Following" page, and a bunch of red arrows pointing to the next available spot next to Hello Kitty.

"The one person I follow on Twitter says, 'You can never have too many friends!'" the account shared in the tweet. "Guess it's time to +1 the ol' Twitter following. Any suggestions? #BeDeadpools2nd"

So, now it's a race for the internet to suggest the best possible option for Deadpool's second followed account. You could obviously suggest yourself, which is what many will do immediately.

However, if you're hoping to get followed by Deadpool, might we offer a couple of ideas to help you get noticed?

Maybe change your profile picture to a lovely portrait of Bea Arthur, or one of the other Golden Girls. Nothing wins over the cold heart of Wade Wilson like the late Bea Arthur does.

Perhaps you could give your bio some work. For instance, it might not hurt to include Wham! lyrics such as "Wake me up before you Go-Go," or "Why don't you tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me how you could settle for a boy like me?"

You know, just a couple of thoughts. What you do with that knowledge is up to you.

Head over to Deadpool's official account to try and get followed, and be sure to check out the Untitled Deadpool Sequel when it hits theaters on May 18.