The Marvel Cinematic Universe has become such a sprawling franchise, that’s populated with a who’s-who of star power talent. The MCU is so big, in fact, that getting the entire franchise of characters together in one place is a near impossible feat. Marvel Studios pulled off the full MCU cast photo for the studio’s 10th anniversary milestone. However, one Marvel fans is taking a much simpler route, by combining every MCU character into one poster!
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This poster pulls from so many other MCU poster and image releases, to create one of the most stunning collages that the franchise has seen – be it fan art, or official one-sheet.
If you look closely, you’ll quickly be able to discern The poster also invokes the colors of the various Infinity Stones, along which have been the major MacGuffins of the MCU for Phases I – III. It’s the Infinity Stones that allowed Thanos to assemble the omnipotent power of the Infinity Grauntlet and lay waste to half the universe in Avengers: Infinity War, and though it’s not 100% consistent, the poster layout groups each set of MCU characters with the stone they had the most contact with in the franchise. (Not to nitpick, but there is one curious choice in the color coordination: after the blue Space Stone section on the far left, we’re supposed to be in the Soul Stone section of the MCU, but the colors appear as such that The Soul and Mind Stones (orange and yellow, respectively) both seem to be the same shade of yellow.)
That small nitpick aside, what’s truly remarkable about this poster is the insane level of detail included in it. Not only do we get all the major heroes and villains of the MCU, we also get (literally) every side and supporting character that has ever appeared in one of these MCU films. So if you’ve been missing Kurse from Thor: The Dark World, or Captain America’s Howling Commandos from WWII, then this will be a nice trip down memory lane.
Marvel fans – is this a poster worthy of your wall? Let us know in the comments!
Avengers: Infinity War is now available on home video, and Captain Marvel is now in theaters. Upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universemovies include Avengers: Endgame on April 26th, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5th.
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