Advance sales tickets of the next Marvel film, Ryan Coogler‘s Black Panther continue to break all previous records – causing the film to be tracked to make $150 million over the President’s Day Weekend. The film is also garnering rave reviews from those who have seen it. USA Today film critic, Brian Truitt called Black Panther “…simply awesome. Extremely bold and as touching as it is thrilling, it boasts GOT-style intrigue, crazy innovative action and a deep bench of memorable characters.” That’s just one of the glowing tweets already surrounding this film – but not everyone is so happy with the buzz around the film.
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A group of vindictive (supposed) DC fans started a facebook page to organize against the success of Black Panther by using bots and trolling campaigns to destroy its Rotten Tomatoes score like they attempted to do with Star Wars: The Last Jedi. The female led Star Wars film they they tried to take down made $1.3 Billion at the global box office… so, yeah.
“Given the massive success of the audience review rigging on the Rotten Tomatoes site for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and due to the sudden rise in those disgruntled with Disney business practices among other factors especially due to the corporate manipulations which created falsified bad press for the DCEU, I feel that it’s time to strike back at all those under Disney and bring down the house of mouse’s actions for paying off the critics that hurt DC Comics on film and for other parties affected by them,” the event description reads.
The movie ratings aggregator site responded: “We at Rotten Tomatoes are proud to have become a platform for passionate fans to debate and discuss entertainment and we take that responsibility seriously. While we respect our fans’ diverse opinions, we do not condone hate speech. Our team of security, network and social experts continue to closely monitor our platforms and any users who engage in such activities will be blocked from our site and their comments removed as quickly as possible.”
Now finally in a surprising move Facebook has taken action and removed the page and events from their site according to Facebook has yet to make a statement about the removal but it is surprising that the social media site took this sort of action and in such quick form as it has previously been slow to remove hate groups and known bots from its platform. The group will of course still have twitter to use as a platform for its campaign.
Black Panther2018
Black Panther2018
ComicBook Anticipated
Anticipated Rating
Average rating 4.18/5 from 1,413 users
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