Haley Atwell, actress behind former BAF, MI5, SSR and S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Peggy Carter, “would love” to see the action heroine appear in more Marvel Cinematic Universe movies — or one of her own.
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“I’d love to see [Peggy] more in films. I’d love to see her in her own film. And if we can keep evolving it so that she does new things so that I can surprise myself and she can keep surprising me then I’d love to do it,” Atwell shared with IGN.
“I feel very privileged to be part of something that people really love and that entertains them. But also, you’re going to these conventions and meeting people who’ve named their son Carter and people who have a tattoo of ‘I Know My Value,’ the tagline,” Atwell continued.
“She’s a force of good and there are a lot of social media sites where girls and guys have come together and become good friends on an international scale because of their belief in some of the values that Peggy talks about. And that provides them with a different connection that a family situation or school situation that they don’t really feel they have a place in. That’s really cool to me. So I’m very happy to be a part of that world and keep that going.”

Atwell made her Marvel Cinematic Universe debut alongside Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers in 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger, with Peggy proving such a fan-favorite she was awarded her own short film, the 2013 Marvel One-Shot Agent Carter. Because you can’t keep a good woman down, Atwell again reprised the role in her own television series, ABC’s Agent Carter, airing for two seasons before cancellation in 2016.
Currently, Peggy’s last in-person appearance was 2014’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier, where a bed-ridden Carter was revealed to have been afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease. Atwell again returned to the role in 2015’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, a youthful, World War II era Peggy Carter appearing to present day Steve Rogers by means of a vision concocted by the Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen). Peggy also appeared in the earliest moments of Ant-Man, set in 1989, alongside original Ant-Man Hank Pym (Michael Douglas).
Though Peggy passed away off screen in Captain America: Civil War, future appearances for Atwell’s Peggy Carter aren’t out of the question: as revealed by Marvel Studios at San Diego Comic Con, the upcoming Captain Marvel movie will be set in the 1990s. Better yet, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) will be involved (without a need for his signature eyepatch) in Captain Marvel‘s fight against the shapeshifting Skulls.
As evidenced by the prologue in Ant-Man, Peggy was still involved with S.H.I.E.L.D. as of 1989 — why not take advantage of the opportunity to include little-seen fan-favorite characters like Atwell’s Peggy Carter?
As the lost love of Captain America, there’s always the possibility of the Infinity Stones conjuring up another appearance for Peggy in Avengers: Infinity War, in which Steve Rogers will play a big role. But with a packed roster that includes everyone from the Avengers to Spider-Man to the Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel could be the most natural reappearance for Peggy — and as one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D., who doesn’t want to see Peggy alongside super spy Nick Fury? While we’re at it, the gnarly ’90s present an opportunity for S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) to reappear in the movie side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe without undoing his noble sacrifice in The Avengers.

Peggy Carter, Nick Fury, and Phil Coulson helping Brie Larson’s Captain Marvel in the fight against a race of alien shapeshifters is more than enough of a tantalizing idea for fans of Peggy Carter, especially those who were shocked by the cancellation of the Agent Carter series in 2016 after just two seasons. The cancellation makes a solo Peggy movie unlikely, but we shouldn’t rule out a possible return for the series with a transition to Netflix (host of its own corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and home to Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, and The Punisher) — and we definitely shouldn’t rule out Atwell’s continued involvement in the movies.
Peggy Carter, legendary S.H.I.E.L.D. hero, alongside two-eyed Nick Fury and probably-with-hair Phil Coulson? In the gnarly ’90s? (Iron Man wasn’t his first rodeo, after all.) Just saying.