Hugh Jackman Calls Out Ryan Reynolds for Not Answering His Deadpool Crossover Challenge

The friendly feud between Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds continues as the former Wolverine actor [...]

The friendly feud between Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds continues as the former Wolverine actor is calling out the current Deadpool actor for not answering his latest challenge!

You can check out one of those tweets below:

If you haven't been keeping track of things, Jackman issued of challenge to Reynolds while doing an interview with ET. Reynolds had been pushing for a chance to do some singing and dancing with Jackman as part of the latter's Hugh Jackman Show, a live stage show featuring Jackman singing hit songs from his roles in popular musicals (Les Miserables, Greatest Showman), and doing other big performance-related things. The challenge to Reynolds was to prove he has singing and dancing chops worthy of the Hugh Jackman Show -- an audition that Reynolds has yet to show up for.

The appeal for Marvel fans is that Reynolds has previously pledged to perform in the Hugh Jackman Show in character as Deadpool. 2018 was filled with a back-and-forth between the two actors about the possibility (or not) of doing a Deadpool/Wolverine crossover film; Jackman declined that offer, which means seeing him and Deadpool doing a singing-and-dancing number onstage together, may be as close as fans ever get to seeing their crossover dreams become a reality.

While Jackman is clearly leaving Wolverine behind (just in time for Marvel Studios to relaunch the character), Ryan Reynolds seems to be leaning into his Deadpool persona harder than ever before. As we write this, Reynolds' PG-13 re-release of Deadpool is off to a good start at the box office, already earning $900,000 on preview night. The future of Reynolds' Deadpool franchise seems uncertain right now in light of 20th Century Fox being acquired by Disney, but with Deadpool 2 already getting awards nominations and getting recognized as one of the biggest pop-culture trends of 2018, it seems the franchise is in its prime, and almost demands some kind of continuation.

With the future of the third Deadpool and/or that X-Force spinoff film unclear, perhaps having something like a Logan/Deadpool team-up with Jackman and Reynolds would indeed be a fittingly epic swan song for both characters and the entire Fox X-Men Universe. After the events of Dark Phoenix next year, there would indeed be opportunity to explore an aftermath in which near-indestructible mutants like Logan and Deadpool (and others) are the only ones left. Who wouldn't pay to see that?

The PG-13 Once Upon a Deadpool is now playing in theaters. Dark Phoenix hits theaters on June 7, 2019.