Kevin Smith Releases Hilarious "Apology" for Wish That Spider-Man: No Way Home Had Earned Best Picture Nomination

Kevin Smith wants you to know he's really, really, really sorry for helping Spider-Man: No Way Home campaign for inclusion at this year's Academy Awards. While No Way Home did manage to lock down a nomination for Best Visual Effects, Smith went viral Friday for suggesting it should have gotten a Best Picture nomination. The filmmaker even chastised the voters of the Academy for refusing to go with a "populist" choice.

Now, Smith has released an "apology" video, poking fun at the fact he's been making the news for his own opinions. During the faux apology, Smith tries hawking merchandise you can buy through his website in an attempt to capitalize on all the free press he's getting. See the video yourself below.

"Hey kids, it's me Kevin Smith. Look, this goes out to all the people who are mad at me because I said Spider-Man (No Way Home) should have maybe got one of the ten Best Picture nomination slots," Smith says. "Kids, I am puzzled as to why my comments have become such a magnet for lots of folks' anger. They want to throw the book at me, and I don't quite get it man. I'm just a humble clerk from New Jersey and not much different than any of you. So please, don't have a cow. How about we have some coffee and maybe we patch things up. Know what I'm saying? Or as Jason Mewes would close everything he says, snoogans. All of this stuff is available at"

Smith's comments came on the latest episode of FatMan Beyond, where he let the Academy voters hear all about it.

"I would just like to congratulate the good folks who made Spider-Man: No Way Home for the very deserved Best Picture nomination that I'm sure it got, I didn't read the nods. Marc, tell me that I'm right." When told he was not right, Smith added: "What the f-ck? They got ten slots, they can't give one to the biggest f-cking movie of like the last three years? Man, and they're like 'Why won't anyone watch this show?' Like f-cking make a populist choice, f-ck, man. You got how many slots? Throw in Spider-Man for God's sakes. Let him swing in there. F-cking poor kid's always getting crapped on and sh-t, show Peter Parker some f-cking love. I'm not even being facetious, with as many movies as they have nominated for best picture...."

Spider-Man: No Way Home is now in theaters.

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