Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’s Jake Johnson Will Send Your Kids Messages as Peter B. Parker

People all over the world are currently hunkering down at home as businesses and schools are shut [...]

People all over the world are currently hunkering down at home as businesses and schools are shut down over the threat of the novel coronavirus. Many parents are having to find ways to keep their kids busy during these trying times, and luckily, there are lots of movie options available. In fact, later today, Pixar's Onward is going to be released on digital despite only hitting theaters a couple of weeks ago. Another fun animated feature that's available to view from home is Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature last year. The film is currently streaming on Netflix, and apparently, a lot of parents have been reaching out to one of the movie's stars: Jake Johnson. The actor known for New Girl and Jurassic World took to Instagram to offer up his services to parents who are quarantined with their children.

"Since the quarantine a lot of parents have DM'd me saying they've been watching Spiderverse with their kids. A lot. So, here's my idea. If your child is home from school and wants a quick encouraging message from Peter B Peter, then send me an email with their name and I'll try and send over a short voice note. If I don't get to you, I apologize. #stayhome Email here if you wanna try this: peterbparkersayshi@gmail.com," Johnson wrote. You can check out the post below:

Back in November, it was announced that a sequel to the hit cartoon was scheduled to hit theaters in 2022. Producers Phil Lord and Chris Miller previously told ComicBook.com that they wanted to make Spider-Verse the "tip of the iceberg" for an entire universe of characters.

"Look, we wanted to make a movie that felt like it was the tip of the iceberg," Lord explained. "You could imagine all of these other things. So it's music to our ears that people could imagine a Spider-Noir film, and the Spider-Ham insane cartoon."

"Right. We still have the horse," Chris Miller added. "We've got to put the cart behind it. So we'll let it ride down the road a few blocks before we get too big for our britches."

For those who are worried about the spread of the coronavirus, the CDC offers a litany of tips, including covering coughs and sneezes, avoiding large gatherings or close contact with people who are sick, and washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.