Stan Lee Struggles to Function in Heartbreaking Video

Stan Lee returned to public appearances at Silicon Valley Comic Con this weekend, but the [...]

Stan Lee returned to public appearances at Silicon Valley Comic Con this weekend, but the legendary Marvel co-creator's appearance left many of the fans who came to see him with serious concerns about his health and well-being. Now, a video of Lee during one of the autograph sessions shows the icon being directed on how to spell his own name.

Shared by Bleeding Cool, the video shows 95-year-old Lee being directed by his representative at the show, Keya Morgan, on how to spell his own name. Morgan can be heard repeating Lee's name a few times while Lee appears to have very low energy as he signs numerous items put in front of him. You can watch the video here.

The video confirms what some of the attendees of Silicon Valley Comic Con noted in comments on the event's Facebook page, expressing concern for Lee after having seen him in person. Lee, who confirmed late last month that he would be appearing at the convention via a video shared by the Con's Facebook page, had been scheduled to do signings and photos. The events sold out according to the event's website, though many attendees reported that organizers continued to sell tickets for the signings and photos those who presented cash day-of. This lead to lines with reportedly thousands of people waiting for a moment with Lee, prompting many to note that he didn't appear to be being given proper breaks.

"That man is a legend and you shuffled him around like he was a bag of money!" on comment read. Others expressed concerns about Lee's condition during photo sessions with some noting that he fell asleep numerous times between photos.

This video of Lee appearing to be told how to spell his name is just the latest disturbing piece of news in recent days. In addition to fan complaints about the convention appearance, earlier today The Hollywood Reporter published a report alleging that Lee is the victim of elder abuse at the hands of those close to him -- including Morgan and his own daughter, J.C. Lee. The report has prompted a new wave of concern for the Marvel co-creator with even Kevin Smith taking to social media to offer Lee a place to stay in his own home or efforts from fans to purchase him a new place entirely. All of these concerns come on top of a rough few months for Lee that include a hospitalization for pneumonia on February 1st as well as allegations of sexual misconduct as well as Lee having fallen victim to check fraud.

While Lee did appear to have some bright moments at Silicon Valley Comic Con -- a video was shared of him participating in a surprise engagement for two fans during their photo session with him -- this video and the other allegations are concerning, a sad thing considering the wild success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe whose films are populated with characters Lee had a strong hand in creating.