'The Gifted' Recap With Spoilers': "coMplications'

The episode opens with a flashback to Eclipse’s days with the cartel. He goes to a convent [...]

The episode opens with a flashback to Eclipse's days with the cartel. He goes to a convent looking for someone named Sebastian. He finds Sebastian sick in bed in the convent's infirmary. Eclipse offers to get Sebastian into a place that specializes in cancer. Sebastian is Eclipse's father and accuses Eclipse of trying to buy his love. Sebastian thinks mutants are demons. He made Eclipse's mother hide her powers until she died and wanted Marcos to do the same.

Polaris wants to bring Eclipse to the Inner Circle headquarters. Dawn is jaundiced and light therapy isn't working. The doctor believes Marcos' powers may be the answer. The Frost Sisters are apprehensive, but Reeva orders them to find Eclipse and bring him there.

Thunderbird and Blink are discussing finding Erg in the sewers when Eclipse walks in. Marcos offers to go with Thunderbird, but John tells Marcos to stay put and sober up.

Blink confronts Thunderbird about his weirdness since seeing Vange and the bruises on his fingers. He's evasive and won't let her in.

Reed tries to make a quick exit from his apartment to head to Baltimore, but Caitlin cuts him off so they can talk. They both admit they went too far with the things they said and that they're worried about Lauren. Caitlin encourages Reed to bring Lauren with him to meet Shatter.

Andy checks in with Lorna. Andy wonders if bringing Marcos is the best idea since they're trying to move on, but Lorna is determined to do whatever she has to do to help Dawn.

Eclipse is sitting in a diner drinking coffee when the Frost sisters start to whisper in his mind. He walks out the back door and sees their SUV parked there. The Frost Sisters tell him there's something wrong with the baby, and he gets in the vehicle. The Frosts make him put a black bag over his head as they drive towards the base.

Reeva wants Andy to be there when Marcos arrives. He's hesitant but agrees.

Thunderbird and Blink go looking for the tunnel that will lead them to Erg. They find their way into the sewer and Thunderbird uses his tracking powers to make their way, but he realizes someone is trying to get them lost. They discover one of the walls is an illusion and walk through.

Jace goes to a police department in DC to give them the information he has about the mutants in the area. It takes some pushing, but an officer agrees to see what he can do to get Jace a meeting.

Reed is trying to break the ice with Lauren on their drive when Caitlin calls asking about the files on the Inner Circle. Reed remembers that he destroyed the filing cabinet when his powers flared up. Caitlin starts noticing more of the damage he did. The stress of the conversation causes Reed's powers to trigger. He burns through the steering wheel of the car and crashes into a van. Reed and Lauren pull the medical supplies out of the trunk of the car and run.

Thunderbird and Blink find that they're going in circles in the tunnel. It isn't just the illusions, something is also messing with Thunderbird's tracking powers. Blink is able to use her powers to open a portal through the illusions. They pass through and end up surrounded by sewer-dwellers with guns.

Jace lays out the evidence he has for the police sergeant. The sergeant offers to give Jace a look at the files they have. While Jace is looking, he overhears the report come in on the radio about Reed and Lauren's accident.

Eclipse is unmasked in the Inner Circle sanctum. Reeva gives Eclipse orders that he's not to talk to Lorna about anything but the baby. Eclipse still tries to talk to Lorna. She cuts him off and tells him the baby's name is Dawn, which in Spanish would be Aurora, just like they talked about. Eclipse holds his baby for the first time and uses his powers to help heal her.

The sewer-dwellers lead Thunderbird and Blink to Erg. John and Clarice say they were sent by Vange, who worked with the X-Men. Erg agrees to talk to Blink, but not Thunderbird. Erg says he could use someone like Blink with her powers. He says as a visible mutant Blink has a link to those who hide in the sewers rather than hide their nature.

Jace goes to the scene of Reed and Lauren's crash to glean what information he can. He spots a handprint on a fence. He follows Reed and Lauren's trail. Reed hotwires a truck and they drive off just as Jace finds them.

Erg shows Blink the "real underground," the sewer-based community of Morlocks who brand themselves with "M" marks on their face. He says the Morlocks seek freedom. Blink says the X-Men also fought for freedom, but Erg says they only fought for tolerance, and people only tolerate things that they hate. Erg offers to give Blink the information they need in return for Blink being his eyes and ears on the surface.

Reed tells Lauren he doesn't think they should tell Caitlin about his powers. Lauren tries to convince him that keeping secrets will only do more damage. She tells him about a time that she hid her powers from him and how that may have made things worse for them now.

Blink returns to Thunderbird. She has information about the Inner Circle tapping into an underground data cable. They leave the tunnels.

Eclipse talks to Dawn in Spanish. The baby is healthy again and the doctor tells him they can take it from there. He gives Polaris the rattle he made for their baby and pleads with Polaris to go with him. When she refuses, he offers to stay, but Polaris knows that wouldn't work. He keeps talking until the Frosts mind control him into leaving. He tries to fight it off. He screams to Lorna that they're lying to her, and that they're in her head. He breaks free and attacks the Frost Sisters, knocking two of them down. He starts heading back towards Lorna, but Reeva uses her voice power to turn Eclipse's powers in on himself, burning his arm and rendering him unconscious.

Jace returns to the police department and tells the sergeant what he saw. He tries to convince the sergeant to move with him, but the sergeant makes it clear that they are not working together and that it is time for Jace to leave.

Back at their apartment, Blink and Thunderbird go over the information they got from Erg. Thunderbird asks about what Blink saw when she was with Erg. Blink pushes for Thunderbird to tell her what's really wrong. He tells her what Vange told him. He stops short when he hears someone coming. It's Marcos, who collapses as he walks in the door. Even exhausted, he's still ready to strike back.

Reed goes to the clinic and finds Caitlin. He tells her about the accident and then starts to tell her about his powers. He admits he destroyed the filing cabinet, the car, his wedding ring. It all started when Andy left, beginning with headaches like the ones he got when he was a kid. Lauren watches as her parents embrace.

Polaris uses her powers to shake the metal rattle Marcos left for Dawn. The Frosts tell Reeva about what happened with Marcos. Reeva is ready to start a revolution.