Thor: Love and Thunder Reveals Another Major God in Deleted Scene

Thor: Love and Thunder introduced entire new leagues of gods and cosmic entities into the Marvel Cinematic Universe – but apparently we were supposed to get even more of them than we saw! A new Thor 4 deleted scene called "Looking for Zeus" has been released online, and it shows Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth) and his teammates Korg (Taika Waititi) and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) coming to Omnipotent City to seek an audience with Zeus – only to be accosted by Zeus's son, Dionysus.

As you can see in the replies, most Marvel fans seem to be in agreement that Thor: Love and Thunder did well to remove this particular scene from the theatrical cut. More than a few people used the word "cringe" in reference to watching the scene. It is a pretty thin comedic gag using an obvious target: Dionysus is primarily known (and revered 😉) for being a god of wine, ecstasy, and general hedonism. That's not exactly a hard set of things to poke fun at – and this scene doesn't go nearly as far or edgy as a comedic version of Dionysus could go. 

Thor: Love and Thunder doesn't generally seem to be aging well with time, in the minds of a lot of Marvel fans. While fans initially embraced the silly fun of the film, and the spectacle of seeing Natalie Portman's Jane Foster take up the hammer, it's since sunk in that the story was full of holes, and that Christian Bale seemed to be in a totally different movie – one that we only got bits and pieces of. Like all recent Marvel movie releases, the visual effects were also criticized for being spotty and inconsistent. 

Criticisms aside, Thor 4 did open the door on a much bigger "universe" in the MCU. Omnipotent City revealed just how many "gods" there are operating in the MCU – at least in this reality – not to mention entities like Eternity, which seem to exist beyond the known boundaries of the MCU. If nothing else, the most exciting thing that Thor: Love and Thunder did was set up the stage of Thor's story in the MCU to be a War of the Gods event between the Asgardians and Zeus family of gods from Olympus – starting with the formidable-looking Hercules (Brett Goldstein). 

Thor: Love and Thunder will stream on Disney+ on September 8th.