
‘Thor: Ragnarok’ Never Intended To Include Jane Foster’s Crew

This weekend, Thor: Ragnarok will hit theaters in the U.S. and reinvigorate the Asgardian’s solo […]

This weekend, Thor: Ragnarok will hit theaters in the U.S. and reinvigorate the Asgardian’s solo franchise. The last two Thor films were met with some decided contention, so fans knew things would have to get shaken up in the third. However, some were dismayed when they learned that change came at the cost of Jane Foster and friends.

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However, the screenwriter of Thor: Ragnarok never intended to feature the scientist and her whacky crew from the start.

During a recent interview with CinemaBlend, Eric Pearson opened up about his original drafts of the Thor scrip. When he was asked is Jane Foster was ever meant to appear in the film, Pearson said neither she nor Darcy Lewis or Erik Selvig made it into his first scripts.

“No. No, they never did,” Pearson admitted.

“This is such a different one, and Sakaar and the Hulk take up so much time. Sakaar is crazy enough on its own. If you brush by it… people probably already think it’s verging on too crazy. So, if you were to just gloss over that, then I think that people would have been bothered or not enjoyed it as much,” the writer continued.

“We only had so much real estate – plus the introduction of Valkyrie, who I think really came together as a fantastic supporting character. Tessa was so great.”

So far, the reviews for Thor: Ragnarok do little else than praise the sequel. Directors like Joss Whedon have likened the movie to a modern-day masterpiece, and superhero fans who have already screened the film appear to love the sequel’s humor. Some viewers may find it hard to leave Jane Foster behind, but Thor’s new direction seems to be one that finally works. Pearson admits that Marvel Studio wanted the film to be tight rather than inclusive, and it looks like the company got its wish.

“It was a bit under a crunch deadline building this script, and there are certain things that they told me [to use in the script], but they were like, ‘Don’t feel like you’ve got to work in everybody. Just make it as good and tight as you can,’” Pearson said.

If you have already seen Thor, then you will know the trio’s absence doesn’t feel present. Much of the film does not take place on Earth, and it would not make much sense to drag two scientists and a university student to fight the Goddess of Death. For now, fans can just imagine what Jane Foster and her friends are doing down on Earth while Thor gets his butt kicked across space. Knowing the trio, fans can probably bet on the gang doing fun science things that may or may not send them into some alternate dimension.

Thor: Ragnarok premieres on November 3rd. Give the film your personal Anticipation Ranking below!