'Thor: Ragnarok's Description on Netflix Is Perfectly Hilarious

Marvel Studios hit an absolute homerun last November with the release of Thor: Ragnarok, which [...]

Marvel Studios hit an absolute homerun last November with the release of Thor: Ragnarok, which brought a level humor to an all-too-serious franchise that rivaled that of Guardians of the Galaxy.

Now the film is available on Netflix, and it looks like the streaming giant had just as much fun writing the description for the movie as the cast and crew did when they were actually making it.

When you pull up Thor: Ragnarok on Netflix, you'll see a hilarious, pun-filled description that perfectly matches the tone of the movie itself.

"When it rains, it pours for the God of Thunder," the description states. "Stuck on a cosmic scrap heap, he's being hammered from all sides."

Netflix also includes a sort of "fun fact" blurb about Thor: Ragnarok, explaining its overall success at the box office, and only adding to the humor of the description.

"The third installment of the Thor story made like the Hulk and smashed the box office, earning $854 million worldwide."

As a user on Reddit pointed out yesterday, this description looks like it was written by Taika Waititi himself. Honestly, that couldn't be closer from the truth.

The first two Thor movies were utterly serious affairs. Star Chris Hemsworth brought moments of comedy here and there, but the overall tone of the films focused more on the drama of Asgard and the safety of the realms than actually making an audience enjoy themselves at the theater.

Hemsworth was vocal about not enjoying that direction for his character, and Marvel Studios wisely heeded his advice. For Ragnarok, which is about the death of all gods, Kevin Feige & Company decided that a change was in order. They brought in Waititi, known around the world for his comedy, to give the Thor franchise the sense of humor it deserved. Waititi clearly delivered, and Thor: Ragnarok was nothing short of a smash hit.

Fortunately, the movie is now on Netflix for everyone to enjoy.

Are you excited that Thor: Ragnarok is finally streaming on Netflix? Could that description be any more perfect? Let us know in the comments!