Loki Star Tom Hiddleston Addresses Season 2 Plans

Tom Hiddleston is getting his own Loki TV series in June, but there's already a lot that's [...]

Tom Hiddleston is getting his own Loki TV series in June, but there's already a lot that's different about this particular Marvel Disney+ series. Unlike WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki has already had season 2 announced before season 1 has premiered. The fact that we know Loki will continue for another season has fans asking more questions and/or speculating about what season 1 is going to be about, and how it will connect to the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 movies.

In a new interview, Loki star Tom Hiddleston is asked directly what Loki season 2 means for his character arc. However, Hiddleston is a Marvel Studios veteran with a decade of protecting Kevin Feige's secrets under his belt: he knows better than to even confirm that there will be a Loki season 2:

"At this point, I have learned that for me to have any expectations is futile and a fool's errand," Hiddleston told Games Radar. "Having said goodbye to the character once, twice, three times, I do not know what the future holds. But I'm excited to find out. I think we could never have seen 10 years ahead...

However, that would be to underestimate the intelligence of Kevin Feige! Maybe he did see into the future, and he predicted all this, and, in fact, he works for the TVA, and reality is unfolding as it should, and we're all just along for the ride..."

Tom Hiddleston Loki Season 2 Teaser Preview
(Photo: Marvel Studios)

Take note there kids: that's how you dodge MCU spoiler questions like you're Neo in The Matrix: humor, humor, and more humor. As stated, Hiddleston is a Marvel Studios promotional vet, and was one of the pioneers of using his wit, charm, and million-dollar smile to handle press questions with care, in a way that makes reporters and fans alike leaving feeling better than when they entered the interview.

As for actual explanations? We still have none. Loki has been draped in mystery about what its actual story will entail - and how the doors of the Marvel Mutliverse will be thrown wide open during the journey. The series is definitely going to be pivotal in that way - especially with films like Eternals and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness following after it. The cosmic impact this variant Loki will cause could have ripples that extend into those aforementioned MCU films - which only makes it that more intriguing what Loki season 2 will be about, after those films are released.

Loki will premiere on Disney+ on June 9th.