For the first time in its long-running history, the Fast & Furious franchise is set to get its first spinoff film next week. But this could just be the first step with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Jason Statham expanding the series of films in an exciting new direction, beyond the original shackles of the family, with Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw.
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ComicBook’s Brandon Davis spoke with producer Hiram Garcia about the spinoff’s potential, whether Hobbs & Shaw could kickstart a brand new franchise within the framework of the Fast & Furious universe.
“Well, look, I mean the fans are always the ones who decide that. And if there’s anything this business has taught you is you never get ahead of yourself,” Garcia cautioned. “But if we’re so lucky and the fans receive it the way we think they will, that’s the goal. Look, there’s so many unbelievable characters in the Fast & Furious universe, but there’s only so much time in a Fast & Furious movie to get to know each of these characters. So our goal is to start to create an outlet where we can spin off these characters, let fans learn about the ones they love, and keep building it out. So if we’re lucky, this could be the beginning of something nice.”
The Fast & Furious franchise continues to be a cash cow for Universal Pictures, but this is the first real test for its long-term sustainability with the success of a spinoff. But while it’s possible the franchise expands in unexplored territory for the future, fans are still wondering if it’s possible for The Rock and Statham to return to the main franchise, especially after Johnson’s public feud with co-star Vin Diesel.
“Anything is possible. And I think the true point is to always know is that this is all under the same umbrella. This is a Fast & Furious universe,” Garcia explained. “Fast & Furious gave birth to this movie. These are characters from there. This is all in the hopes of just sustaining and building into Fast & Furious. So yeah, man, anything’s possible and any kind of crossovers and mergings, it’s all possible.”
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw premieres in theaters this Friday on August 2nd.