
Kevin Smith Has Epic Response to “Sig-Stalker” During the Jay & Silent Bob Reboot Roadshow

Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes are currently on tour with the Reboot Roadshow, which is taking them […]

Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes are currently on tour with the Reboot Roadshow, which is taking them across the country to screen their latest “View Askewniverse” comedy, Jay & Silent Bob Reboot. Smith has been chronicling their journey on social media and recently revealed that the two men have had some troubling encounters with aggressive autograph seekers. Earlier this week in Pittsburgh, Smith and Mewes were chased down on by people who followed them to their hotel. The director let social media know that this kind of behavior was “not cool and not safe,” but it appears not everyone got the message. While making another stop in Philadelphia, Smith had another bad encounter with a “sig-seeker.” Smith decided to retaliate the “ungrateful” behavior by recording a video of the man to “warn other folks in show business or sports about the guy.” Here’s the full post from Smith’s Instagram account:

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The @jayandsilentbob Reboot Roadshow Tour rolled into Philadelphia for a pair of killer, sold out shows at the Prince Theater on Thursday night! The audiences were awesome as our epic ambled on, and afterwards, we Q&A’ed into the wee, small hours. We got into an Uber at 2 a.m. and hit the hotel for 4 hours of sleep before the big drive to Boston. As we were getting into the car at 8am, a guy standing by the front door with a stack of things for me to sign made eye contact. We had a few seconds to spare so I gave him the nod to approach the car and started signing his stuff. When I noticed he had multiple copies of each pic (an indicator of an autograph re-seller, not an actual fan) I told him I’d just sign one of each. And I guess the Sig-Seller didn’t like that because he groused “You guys dicked us over last night.” Baffled, I asked how and he said that @jaymewes and I didn’t sign for him and the other autograph re-sellers at 2 a.m. when we finally left the venue. I politely pointed out that I was there for my *paying* audience, not salesmen who flip the stuff I sign for profit – but still he insisted I was somehow wrong for not signing as much stuff as he wanted me to sign. So I stopped signing altogether, at which time he gave me some “You guys have changed…” bullshit and called me and Jay pricks as we pulled away. It ate at me that the dude got so ungrateful and shitty as I was signing his stuff, and when we stopped at a light 20 feet away, I was overcome with righteous indignation about the whole exchange. So then I went all “Jersey”, jumped out of the car, and stalked HIM in an effort to snap a pic – to warn other folks in show business or sports about the guy. But Mr. Big Talker Hotel Stalker didn’t want his picture taken, so he pulled up his hood and kept ducking me. Granted, he could’ve turned around and stabbed my indignant ass- but I was so incensed by his audacity, I didn’t think about the repercussions. Not smart and not the guy I wanna be, but like they say: you can take the boy out of Jersey but you can’t take the Jersey out of the boy. And the #jayandsilentbobrebootroadshow rolls on… #KevinSmith #jasonmewes #philadelphia

A post shared by Kevin Smith (@thatkevinsmith) on

“The @jayandsilentbob Reboot Roadshow Tour rolled into Philadelphia for a pair of killer, sold out shows at the Prince Theater on Thursday night! The audiences were awesome as our epic ambled on, and afterwards, we Q&A’ed into the wee, small hours. We got into an Uber at 2 a.m. and hit the hotel for 4 hours of sleep before the big drive to Boston,” Smith shared.

“As we were getting into the car at 8 am, a guy standing by the front door with a stack of things for me to sign made eye contact. We had a few seconds to spare so I gave him the nod to approach the car and started signing his stuff. When I noticed he had multiple copies of each pic (an indicator of an autograph re-seller, not an actual fan) I told him I’d just sign one of each. And I guess the Sig-Seller didn’t like that because he groused ‘You guys dicked us over last night.’ Baffled, I asked how and he said that @jaymewes and I didn’t sign for him and the other autograph re-sellers at 2 a.m. when we finally left the venue. I politely pointed out that I was there for my *paying* audience, not salesmen who flip the stuff I sign for profit – but still he insisted I was somehow wrong for not signing as much stuff as he wanted me to sign,” Smith explained.

He added, “So I stopped signing altogether, at which time he gave me some ‘You guys have changed…’ bullshit and called me and Jay pricks as we pulled away. It ate at me that the dude got so ungrateful and shitty as I was signing his stuff, and when we stopped at a light 20 feet away, I was overcome with righteous indignation about the whole exchange. So then I went all ‘Jersey’, jumped out of the car, and stalked HIM in an effort to snap a pic – to warn other folks in show business or sports about the guy. But Mr. Big Talker Hotel Stalker didn’t want his picture taken, so he pulled up his hood and kept ducking me. Granted, he could’ve turned around and stabbed my indignant ass- but I was so incensed by his audacity, I didn’t think about the repercussions. Not smart and not the guy I wanna be, but like they say: you can take the boy out of Jersey but you can’t take the Jersey out of the boy. And the #jayandsilentbobrebootroadshow rolls on.”

Jay & Silent Bob Reboot will see the return of many “View Askewniverse” classics such as Ben Affleck, Matt Damon, Jason Lee, Brian O’Halloran, Joey Lauren Adams, Rosario Dawson, Shannon Elizabeth, Justin Long, Jason Biggs, James Van Der Beek, and more. There will also be some exciting Smith movie first-timers showing up, including Chris Hemsworth, Val Kilmer, and Melissa Benoist.

The follow-up to Kevin Smith‘s 2001 film, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, will see the characters “return to Hollywood to stop a reboot of ‘Bluntman and Chronic’ movie from getting made.”

Jay & Silent Bob Reboot is playing in select cities.