Arnold Schwarzenegger Car Accident Victim Speaks Out

Over the weekend, Arnold Schwarzenegger was involved in a car accident. Now, the victim in the dustup is speaking out. TMZ reports that Habiba Muminova was one of the motorists in question. She told the site that she's a big fan of his work, but she's worried about the situation going forward. Muminova said, "God Bless Him" upon learning that the Terminator star was the one behind the wheel of the SUV. However, this wasn't exactly an ideal way of meeting one of your favorite actors. During her work day of transporting patients to doctor's appointments, she got hit by one of the back tires on Schwarzenegger's vehicle. He had collided with a red Prius and there was a lot of damage to the electric car. Muminova says that she thought she broke her spine initially.

Now, TMZ reports that the woman has been experiencing pain in her spine and back region. From her left shoulder all the way down, there seems to be a problem. Muminova is consulting with a doctor this week to assess the damage. The outlet also reports that she's reached out to an attorney at this point. So, there's no suit yet, but things could be headed that way. TMZ also notes that their sources indicate law enforcement believed Schwarzenegger to be responsible. But, he was not ticketed at the time of the offense. 

TMZ explained, "Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, they believe the accident was Arnold's fault. They say he was turning left but there was a left turn arrow that was still red. Arnold was not ticketed."

Thankfully, no one was critically injured in all of this. The Terminator star's airbags did deploy, but he's basically fine. Over on the Prius side of things, there's a little bit more damage. The woman driving the Toyota had to be taken to the hospital with a cut on her head. The star is said to be checking in on her well-being and he is showing concern. But, that was all the case before these details about Ms. Muminova made the headlines. 

Bizarrely, Jake Steinfeld of Body By Jake was also on-hand at the scene as well. He's one of Schwarzenegger's closest friends. (Back during the Govenator's term in California, Steinfeld served as the Chairman of the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness.) So, a wild situation all around. Hopefully, everything will be resolved and no further injuries will come to light.

Did you hear about this crash previously? Let us know in the comments below!