Bill & Ted 4 is Being Written, According to Alex Winter

The star doesn't promise the movie will actually happen, but there are some positive signs.

Ed Solomon and Chris Matheson are writing a fourth movie in the Bill & Ted series, according to franchise star Alex Winter. In an interview with The Sarah O'Connell Show, Winter revealed that there is room for a potential fourth Bill & Ted movie, and that Solomon and Matheson are currently working on an idea. Once the script is done, he said, they (along with his co-star Keanu Reeves) will shop it around, as long as everyone is happy with the final product. The franchise, which started in 1989, seemed to be finished pretty definitively after 2020's third installment (that's what the writers told us, anyway), but in the years since, a more "never say never" attitude has permeated some interviews.

The series follows a pair of good-natured (but not too bright) wannabe rock stars who, against all odds, prove essential to the future of humanity. By the third movie, that prophecy was tested, and a middle-aged Bill and Ted had to team with their daughters to save time and space as we know it.

"We're tinkering with a fourth movie idea that all of us like, and the guys are going to write, so we'll see," Winter said. "It takes us time to get these things going, and we never want to do them unless they're great."

You can see the interview below.  

Winter said that the movie will only happen if he, Reeves, Solomon, and Matheson are all on board with the script.

"They feel the same way, it has to be right," Winter said. "We love [the Bill & Ted movies] because they're oddball, and they're not typical mainstream films. They've never been cash-grab movies; nobody has gotten rich off the Bill and Ted series. We really do make them sincerely from a place of love and interest. There's a really good idea that the writers came up with for a fourth that's kind of obvious. I don't want to give it away -- I can't give it away because I would be drawn and quartered -- but it is a really good idea, an obvious idea. It will get written, and we'll see if we can actually get it made."

Here's the official synopsis for Destroy All Neighbors, which you can see now in select theaters or on Shudder:

William Brown (Jonah Ray Rodrigues), a neurotic, self-absorbed musician determined to finish his prog-rock magnum opus, faces a creative roadblock in the form of a noisy and grotesque neighbor named Vlad (Alex Winter). Finally working up the nerve to demand that Vlad keep it down, William inadvertently decapitates him. But, while attempting to cover up one murder, William's accidental reign of terror causes victims to pile up and become undead corpses who torment and create more bloody detours on his road to prog-rock Valhalla. DESTROY ALL NEIGHBORS is a twisted splatter-comedy about a deranged journey of self-discovery full of goopy practical FX, a well-known ensemble cast, and LOTS of blood.