Deadpool 3 Not Coming Soon, and Rob Liefeld Says Marvel Is to Blame

Fans continue to wait eagerly for the debut of Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Ryan [...]

Fans continue to wait eagerly for the debut of Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Ryan Reynolds has his plate full and it sounds like it could be quite awhile before the Merc' With the Mouth starts hanging out with the Avengers. While we're nearly two years removed since the release of Deadpool 2, the character's creator Rob Liefeld insists that Marvel is at fault for letting the franchise collect dust after the last installment became one of the most successful R-rated movies of all time. During a recent episode with's Talking Shop, Liefeld blamed Marvel Studios for the wait and said that Deadpool 3 doesn't fit into the company's plans for the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Sooner or later, there's bound to be a Deadpool 3. Now nearly two full years after the release of Deadpool 2 — the raunchy R-rated superhero flick that grossed nearly $786 million worldwide — Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld says it's Marvel's fault for letting the property run stale. On a recent stop by's Talking Shop, Liefeld expressed his frustrations in the machine that is Marvel Studios. According to the iconic comics creator, the Deadpool franchise is the one property that doesn't need to fit into Marvel's increasingly complicated plans for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"I blame Marvel...blame Marvel that that hasn't happened yet," Liefeld says. "They are the reason it isn't happening. Whatever conundrum or it didn't fit into your master plan, just commission it. Okay, commission it. You know if Frank Frazetta was still around, you would say, 'Frank paint for me.'"

That's not to say removed Ryan Reynolds' Wade Wilson from continuity entirety. But, as you can judge by the first two features, Deadpool 3 very likely won't fit into Marvel Studios' current mold of family-friendly PG-13 films. That's why Liefeld thinks Reynolds should have the power to the threequel as he wishes so that the status quo keeps Deadpool at the forefront. After all, the franchise had made upwards of $1.5 billion on a pair of small budget flicks, at least when compared to other superhero entries.

"If Ryan is making Deadpool 3 right now, that's because Marvel hasn't allowed it to be yet and that's all I'm saying," he adds. "So, do I have a lot of faith in that system? Dude, I have no idea. So this is where I'm not that, I'm not giving you the answers you want. I'm like yeah, yeah. Look if it happens, terrific."

Liefeld concludes by pointing out the fact Marvel's schedule is packed for the next three years, a timeline that could potentially changed due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. "How old am I gonna be when that happens? And literally I used to be like, yeah, Mark Ruffalo, Hulk and Deadpool would make for a funny movie right?" Liefeld concludes. "But, none of these guys are getting younger, right okay?"

Reynolds previously posted on social media a picture in front of the Marvel Studios logo on the Disney lot in Burbank and subsequently confirmed the third iteration to be in development. The earliest possible date Marvel Studios currently has available is October 7, 2022.

Both Deadpool flicks are now available wherever movies are sold.

Do you think Reynold's Merc with a Mouth will pop up next in Deadpool 3 or a different property first? Think it over and let us know your thoughts either in the comments or by hitting me up on Twitter at @AdamBarnhardt!