Are you ready to step back into the magic of Harry Potter? This year, the magical world created by J.K. Rowling will return to theaters in a new film. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is set to debut this November, and its first trailer just went live today.
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And, as you can see in the slides below, there is a lot to unpack in this sneak-peek.
The action-packed trailer has a lot to show, but some of its reveals were more obvious than others. Albus Dumbledore was put on display as Jude Law introduced his younger take on the famed wizard. Much of the trailer revolved around the iconic character, but he was not alone. Newt Scamander and Gellert Grindelwald also got their due, but diehard fans of Harry Potter want more. So, ComicBook is here to breakdown everything you might have missed and those sneaky easter eggs you think you caught.
From the Deathly Hallows to the Lestrange brood, we’re dissecting all things magical for you, but do be warned! Mild spoilers can be found below!
What did you think of this trailer for the Fantastic Beasts sequel? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics, k-pop, and anime!
The Logo

You cannot ignore the importance of a good logo, and this sequel knows that all too well. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald has a nifty title which appears at the trailer’s end. However, fans quickly noticed the logo itself has an easter egg.
You see it? Each of the Deathly Hallows are hidden within the logo. The ‘i’ in crimes, the ‘g’ in Grindelwald, and the ‘a’ in Grindelwald symbolize the Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Cloak of Invisibility in turn.

With a name like Fantastic Beasts, fans would expect the series to have a share of – well – fantastic beasts. The first movie introduced fans to plenty of creatures, and the sequel will as well. However, the second movie will feature some beasts fans haven’t seen for awhile.
For instance, this trailer has a blink-and-miss-it scene featuring Thestrals. The horses are seen pulling a chariot with two strange me riding it, and fans are happy to see the creatures. Audiences first met Thestrals back in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
Classroom 3C

If you are a diehard Harry Potter fan, you may have paused at Dumbledore’s big debut in this film. The younger wizard, who is played by Jude Law, was seen standing in familiar room at one point as a group questioned him about Newt Scamander. The room’s vaulted ceilings and divvied windows made it easy one to recognize. The locale is none other than Classroom 3C, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom. So, it looks like filming may have doubled-up on shooting locations unless Dumbledore is actually hanging out in the DATDย room. If so, he may want to reconsider his work at the Transfiguration professor.ย
Torquil Travers

A war is brewing for the Wizarding World, and Fantastic Beasts plans to see it through. Voldemort and his gang of Death Eaters won’t be leading the war forward, but that doesn’t mean Harry Potter fans are totally out of the loop. In fact, they should know the Travers family, yes?
In the scene where Dumbledore is being questioned about Newt, the man interrogating him is Torquil Travers. The stern-looking man hails from the Travers family, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight pure-blood families in the Wizarding World. During Voldemort’s time, the family supported him as Death Eater fodder, so Torquil may lean into a villainous role.

There are plenty of handy tools in the Wizarding World, but few are as beloved as Deluminators. The item was introduced in the first Harry Potter movie when Dumbledore brought the Chosen One to the Dursley’s home with Professor McGonagall. This trailer for Fantastic Beasts 2 sees someone in the shadows using a Deluminator on a misty streets, and fans are willing to bet it is Dumbledore. If he needs to meet with Newt in private, then he better do it when the lights are out.
Theseus Scamander

There are few things better than an old-fashioned duel, but the stakes of such a battle in this sequel are high. With the world in danger, everyone is out for blood, and this trailer sees Newt enter an electrifying battle with his brother at one point. Theseus Scamander is the hero’s older brother, a vetted Auror, and a certified hero for his work in the First World War. This battle shows what kind of power Theseus has under his wand, but Newt isn’t a slacker. The two aren’t a duo you want to challenge to a duel without reason.ย
Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures

Welcome to France! Fantastic Beasts 2 will bring Newt and the gang to Europe, and he will surely be bringing his magical creatures with him. In one shot of the trailer, fans can expect Newt’s beasts to cause a ruckus as it appears the French Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is shown. The white-and-black lobby shows off an array of magical creatures, giving shoutouts to dragons, centaurs, nifflers, and more.ย
Leta Lestrange

If you thought you were done with the Lestrange family, think again. Fantastic Beasts 2 has plans for the clan yet. This new trailer reveals a new member of the pure-blooded family, Leta Lestrange. The girl was shown briefly in the first movie as Newt kept an image of her with the rest of his personal belongings. As lore goes, Leta and Newt were very close at Hogwarts before the latter was expelled under dodgy circumstances. Now, it seems like this franchise is ready to reunite the ex-friends and almost-lovers.ย
Circus Arcanus

Come one and come all to the world’s greatest show of oddities! When the next Fantastic Beast film drops, fans will get to know the Circus Arcanus. The traveling show is seen briefly with humans floating in bubbles while a crowd stares into an obscured cage. The event is said to be the “world’s most complete congress of human oddities,” and you can be sure it will attract attention. The show was in New York while Newt was visiting, and it has since moved to Europe. So, who wants to bet it makes a stop in or around Paris?

Fans know a lot about this new film’s character lineup, but there is one figure who has stayed in the shadows. This November, the Fantastic Beasts sequel will introduce a very rare individual played by Claudia Kim. The yet-named girl is a Maledictus, a human whose blood is cursed with the intent of turning them into a beast. Fans are thinking the poor characters gets roped in with the Circus Arcanus before she meets Creedence.