The road to the tenth installment in the Fast and Furious franchise arriving in theaters was paved with a couple big bumps early on. Justin Lin, who helmed five of the previous Fast and Furious movies, infamously exited Fast X just one week after production began due to “creative differences.” Universal Pictures wasted no time in finding a replacement, as Now You See Me director Louis Leterrier was brought into the fold just four days after Lin departed the project. Even though Leterrier assumed all directorial responsibilities, Lin’s fingerprints remained on Fast X as he is still credited as both a producer and a writer.
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Speaking to, Leterrier revealed that his long-running friendship with Lin allowed for a fairly seamless behind-the-scenes shift on Fast X.
“Justin and I are friends. We’re buddies and colleagues and love each other and admire each other’s work,” Leterrier said. “It’s not like he was passing on the baton to somebody he didn’t know and had never met. We were friends. We didn’t meet in person, but we texted, called each other and there was nothing but love and sort of like, ‘You’re the right person. I’m leaving you my crew.’”
Leterrier added that he shared more texts with Lin as production was ongoing, and Lin supported him every step of the way.
“I texted him and said, ‘Hey, Justin. Sorry, I forgot to text you and I had the greatest time and thank you so much, and what you said.’ He told me, ‘You have the best crew and the best cast. Have fun,’” Leterrier continued. “And I told him, ‘You’re right. It was the greatest professional experience of my life. Thank you, thank you, thank you.’”
Lin’s busy schedule kept him away from both the Fast X set as well as release celebrations, but he made sure to continue sending love to Leterrier as the process was ongoing.
“Right before we did that release party of the trailer, my phone rings, it’s Justin,” Leterrier shared. “‘Louis, I’m leaving for Thailand. I’m going to shoot a movie. I just wanted to tell you I’m so proud of you and so happy. And everybody said that you did a fantastic job and they loved working with you, and I couldn’t be happier, proud.’
“He’s going to have a great shoot. Justin, come back, have a great shoot, and then please come and watch this movie in a giant movie theater full of people going crazy,” Leterrier added. “And I hope I made you proud. I love you.”
Fast X speeds into theaters this Friday, May 19th.