Jeff Bridges Reveals He Came Close to Dying During Recent Health Struggles

Jeff Bridges revealed that he came close to dying due to his recent health struggles. In the latest issue of People Magazine, the actor revealed that COVID-19 nearly got the better of him. But, he persisted and told his story for the fans. Apparently, the chemotherapy drugs from his non-Hodgkin lymphoma weakened his immune system to the point that he nearly died. However, with the help of a wonderful medical team and support from his family, he was able to pull through. Making the ordeal even more harrowing was the fact that this was earlier in the pandemic. The vaccine was not yet available and Bridges would have to depend on his weakened immune system to pull him out of it. It was a scary time, but now serves as a story of perseverance for all of his fans out there.

"I was pretty close to dying. The doctors kept telling me, 'Jeff, you've got to fight. You're not fighting.' I was in surrender mode. I was ready to go. I was dancing with my mortality," the actor explained.

"I had no defenses. That's what chemo does — it strips you of all your immune system. I had nothing to fight it," he added. "COVID made my cancer look like nothing."

"Who would say, 'I'd love some cancer and give me a dose of COVID? But my ability to receive all the love and give it was just heightened," Bridges mused. "Everything was turned up in the most beautiful way."

When he announced the COVID-19 diagnosis, it came bookended with some great news. His cancer was in remission, but apparently, a big battle was waiting for him.

"I'm profoundly grateful for the love and support from my family and friends," Bridges wrote in his blog. "My cancer is in remission. The 9"x12" mass has shrunk down to the size of a marble. My covid is in the rear-view mirror. Covid kicked my ass pretty good, but I'm double vaccinated and feeling much better now. I heard that the vaccine can help folks with long haulers. Maybe that's the cause of my quick improvement."

"This cancer thing is bringing on feelings of precociousness & gratitude & good old fashion [sic] love & lots of it, big time," the actor wrote on his site. "I'm feeling so much of it comin' my way, & man I appreciate it. It's contagious, all this love, like some kind of positive virus. I want to acknowledge & thank you guys for reaching out during this time. It feels good, getting all the well wishes & love!… This cancer is making me appreciate my mortality, appreciate impermanence. I'm realizing if I have s*** to share, now's the time."

Did you hear about Bridges' condition? Let us know down in the comments!