Justice League Star Ray Fisher Hints NDA Is Preventing Him From Saying More On Joss Whedon

Last week Justice League star Ray Fisher made his feelings about the film's fill-in director Joss [...]

Last week Justice League star Ray Fisher made his feelings about the film's fill-in director Joss Whedon loud and clear. The actor first published a tweet retracting a statement he made about Whedon where he called him " a great guy," and "a good person to clean up and finish-up" for the original director Zack Snyder. Fisher followed this two days later saying "Joss Whedon's on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable." Whedon had no comment for Fisher's statement. For those hoping the young actor would continue to spill details, he's still under contract with Warner Bros., but he's optimistic about the future.

"I am still very much under contract and I am still very much under Non-Disclosure Agreement," Fisher said an Instagram live stream Q&A with fans. "So I've got to be very careful about what I say and how I say it, otherwise I can get sued into oblivion. So just a disclaimer there. For the folks who were looking for more specifics in the moment right now, I'm sorry that I cannot give them to you in the moment right now. Just gotta make sure all your ducks are laid out in a row so you can go ahead and handle the situation appropriately so you don't end up being, outside of professionally liable, legally liable for anything that could be litigious or whatever that would be. This will take some time, we will get it done, we will win, and then we'll be able to move on in the world. That's it."

Fisher downplayed a comment from someone who said he would receive "more clout" if he did get sued for speaking publicly about his experiences, but the actor said he's not interested in that at all. "Keep the clout. Keep the fame," he said. "I'd be happy going doing theater in the mountains of Oregon in obscurity, you know what I mean? I'm fine without that. I've often said, if this thing is the only thing I'm blessed to do, I'd be fine with that because what is going to be a wilder process than what this has been?"

The actor concluded his discussion on the topic with more optimism, noting that being open about your experiences and getting to the root of systemic issues be it in the government or in Hollywood, will always be more helpful in the long run than speaking generally about problems.

"I've talked about Hollywood a lot in the recent weeks. So for some of you guys what I said last week probably is not a massive surprise. It just takes, it's going to take people being specific about their experiences in order to get things changed....If Hollywood is this or that and there's a bad stigma around it, well who in it specifically is giving it that bag stigma? Let's go ahead and deal with that and then you can actually begin to change the entire thing right? Talking about it in generalities is not helpful, it's not helpful."

He concluded, "If it makes you feel any better, I'm feeling optimistic about the whole situation because I know at the end of the day, regardless of what it is that I'm able to say or not say in this moment right now, there's no way that all this stuff does not come to light in some capacity. There's no way."