
Harley Quinn and Kevin Smith Speak Out In Support of Turkeys

As the calendar inches closer to Thanksgiving, social media has been set ablaze with the best ways […]

As the calendar inches closer to Thanksgiving, social media has been set ablaze with the best ways to cook the traditional turkey and a plethora of rib-sticking side dishes.

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For one pop culture icon and his family, Thanksgiving’s going to look a little different this year. According to a press release distributed by Farm Sanctuary, filmmaker Kevin Smith and actor Harley Quinn Smith โ€” his daughter โ€” have pledged to have a 100% vegan Thanksgiving dinner.

While Smith’s ailing health led him to a lifestyle change, the fan-favorite filmmaker behind cult classics like Clerks and Mallrats revealed in a video that it’s an ethical choice as well.

“You’re always told by older people it’s OK to eat animals, we’re supposed to eat animals,” Kevin says in video. “And, you know, for a long time, that’s what my generation believed. Now we know a lot better.”

Harley Quinn echoed her father’s sentiments.

“What I know about turkeys is that they’re such kind and beautiful creatures, they’re very friendly, and I don’t really think that enough people recognize their value and importance to the world.”

When asked about what he was thankful this year, Smith didn’t hesitate to express thanks for better health after suffering a massive heart attack earlier this year.

“It’s easy man, I’m thankful I’m alive. And then I’m thankful for my kid who was like ‘yeah, go vegan.’” Smith reflected. “I’m thankful I got good advice. I’m thankful I followed it, to be honest.”

Smith ends the video by saying this year will be the first year the Smith family breaks from tradition.

“This’ll be the first year that we’re breaking the chain with tradition… nobody’s going to be eating any bird.”

Most recently, Smith has gotten involved in The CW’s Arrowverse universe of shows. In fact, he’s directed an episode of Supergirl for the upcoming season โ€” an episode in which Smith teases The CW does something they’ve never done before.

“There’s some cool sh*t in it, too,” Smith said. “The fifth act of those shows, The CW shows, that’s generally where the big thing happens, aka where they spend the most money. And so, in act five of this episode we have a sequence where they spent a lot of money that I’ve never seen in anything before and I can’t take credit for it, I’m not like ‘I f*cking did it’ because the visual effects company, they’re going to accomplish it. We shot little pieces of it and stuff, but it’s a kind of cool concept that I never thought of.”

“As the guy who was like I want to make a movie, my first movie, I guess I’ll set it here at a convenience store cause this is easy and I work here and sh*it like, never imagined they’d hand me a script with like ‘make her do this’ and I was like holy sh*t.”

Supergirl airs Sunday nights at 8/7c on The CW.