Man Of Steel Done In Deadpool Trailer Style

With critics complaining that the movie needed to be more 'fun,' maybe this is just what Man of [...]

With critics complaining that the movie needed to be more "fun," maybe this is just what Man of Steel needs.

In keeping with the new trend of Deadpool-izing movie trailers, YouTube user solyentbrak1 has created a new trailer that blends the Man of Tomorrow with the Merc With a Mouth to create...


...see for yourself.

Apparently, the original plan was to do this for a super-serious Batman film before the decision was made to change course and go with the grimy, explosive Superman origin story instead. So if this does well, expect to see The Dark Knight Rises or something done in this style.

Deadpool and Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice are both out in theaters over the course of the next six or seven months. Check out our comic book movie calendar for more.