Shazam! Director Has Hilarious Response to Justice League's F-Bomb News

Earlier today came news from Justice League director Zack Snyder that his upcoming director's cut [...]

Earlier today came news from Justice League director Zack Snyder that his upcoming director's cut of the film could potentially have a theatrical run, and it would be rated R if that happens. Speaking in a new interview with EW, Snyder noted that the restricted rating seemed likely due to a sequence where Batman "drops an F-bomb" and multiple scenes of villain Steppenwolf "pretty much just hacking people in half." Shazam! director David F. Sandberg had a hilarious reaction to this news, posting an edit from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice that inserts a bleep into a critical scene for comedic effect. The video alters the scene pretty heavily with just a minor edit that hints at a Bat-F-Bomb.

Sandberg posted the video without comment but then followed it up with an addendum: "Since this is the internet: Yes, this is the wrong movie. This is a joke, not a slight against Snyder. I look forward to finally watching his JL. But yes, I suck and Shazam is a Deadpool wannabe movie for babies, etc." Watch the video yourself in the player below, but don't expect the scene in Zack Snyder's Justice League where Affleck drops the bomb to be this humorous.

"The movie is insane and so epic and is probably rated R — that's one thing I think will happen, that it will be an R-rated version, for sure," Snyder's full quotation on the rating of his cut of Justice League, and the potential reasons for it, reads. "We haven't heard from the MPAA, but that's my gut."

"There's one scene where Batman drops an F-bomb. Cyborg is not too happy with what's going on with his life before he meets the Justice League, and he tends to speak his mind. And Steppenwolf is pretty much just hacking people in half. So [the rating would be due to] violence and profanity, probably both."

Snyder previously noted wanting to bring his cut of the film out to theaters a few weeks ago, and before WarnerMedia announced that their entire 2021 theatrical slate would premiere day and date in theaters and on HBO Max.

"It's a little above my pay grade as far as distribution. The reality is the way distribution works, Warner Bros. and HBO Max they have to make deals with all these different territories and there's this super complicated process of how they sell the movie," Snyder said while appearing on Ping Pong Flix. "But barring that and with any kind of luck, in places where maybe HBO Max doesn't exist or something like that, there might be an opportunity to grab some IMAX screens."

Zack Snyder's Justice League has yet to set a release date on HBO Max.