Star Wars

Star Wars: Benicio Del Toro Compares His ‘The Last Jedi’ Character to a Bob Dylan Song

Benicio del Toro is not only one of the most highly-regarded actors of his generation, but has […]

Benicio del Toro is not only one of the most highly-regarded actors of his generation, but has demonstrated his abilities by playing a variety of characters who walk a fine line of moral ambiguity, thanks to roles in films like Sicario and Traffic. Recently, the compelling actor might have created more confusion about his role in the upcoming The Last Jedi, sharing that “DJ” might be a character akin to one found in a folk song.

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“Maybe you could find him in a Bob Dylan song or a Tom Waits song,” the actor told SciFiNow Magazine of his character. “Or maybe in a Dostoyevsky novel. You’ll find DJ in one of those stories. You don’t know what he is. But that’s the ideaโ€ฆ You don’t know if he’s good or bad.”

Much like the other new characters in The Last Jedi, like Laura Dern’s Admiral Holdo or Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose Tico, fans have tried to uncover every detail they can about DJ in hopes of determining what part he’ll play in the overall narrative.

While little is known about what to expect of DJ, the actor shared that the mystery is part of what makes the experience of watching the movie so appealing.

“The fans want that wrapping paper around that Christmas gift,” del Toro shared about the secrecy around his role. “Don’t give it to them without the paper. They don’t want to see it when they walk in the room. They don’t want to know.”

The actor himself might not be too keen to reveal details about his role in the film, but co-star Tran shed at least a little bit of insight about how he factors into the narrative.

“DJ is part of the mission that John Boyega’s Finn and Kelly Marie Tran’s Rose undertake to the wealthy, gambling resort city of Canto Bight,” Tran told Entertainment Weekly. “But…do they bring him there? Do they capture him there? Do they free him there?”

While she didn’t describe much more about DJ as a character, the experience of working with del Toro left an impact on the actress.

“When I was onset with that character, I felt like there was a tiger in the room, and I always had to be watching,” Tran explained. “Like an animal, at any moment he could do something, and I didn’t know what.”

We’ll learn more about del Toro’s DJ when The Last Jedi hits theaters on December 15.

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