Tom Cruise went on a loud, expletive-ridden tirade on the set of Mission: Impossible 7, after two crew members were allegedly found breaking COVID-19 protocols during filming. The Sun published an exclusive audio recording that was reportedly taken from the Mission Impossible 7 set: In the audio, a voice that sounds distinctly like Tom Cruise can be heard laying into the crew members allegedly responsible for breaking protocol. While no details of the violation are given, there is a clear message communicated: “If I see you do it again, you’re f***ing gone. And if anyone in this crew does it, that’s it.”
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In larger excerpts of the recording, the speaker (allegedly Cruise) can be heard making the point that not only are the jobs and livelihoods of the entire crew on the line – but the entire film industry as well:
“They’re back there in Hollywood making movies right now because of us. We are creating thousands of jobs, you motherf***ers,” the speaker says. “That’s it. No apologies. You can tell it to the people that are losing their f***ing homes because our industry is shut down. “
In another part of the recording, the speaker makes says that this crew and the Mission: Impossible franchise are the “Gold Standard” when it comes to movie-making, and that what they do sets the tone for the rest of the industry.

According to The Sun, this outburst occurred because Cruise allegedly spotted two crew members not adhering to proper social distancing on the set. It’s not made clear whether this was a recurring problem that finally boiled over, or a simple infraction that Cruise pounced upon. It’s been reported for months that Cruise is taking the safety protocols of Mission: Impossible 7 very seriously, and has an active hand in ensuring that the set is safe for all involved.
Mission: Impossible 7 has already experienced multiple delays in its ambitious global production, due to COVID-19. M:I7 of course suspended production a when the pandemic first hit overseas early in the year – even before it swept across the US in March. But even after Hollywood attempted to get back to work in mid-summer and fall, Mission: Impossible was still hit with multiple shutdowns due to infections or direct contact concerns.
Now 2021 is poised to be a make-or-break year for the film industry. The movie theater industry is struggling to hang on as streaming services quickly become the premiere home of blockbuster movies – and as Cruise fairly points out, Mission: Impossible is one of the few franchises that continuously makes viewers opt for the theatrical presentation. Along with Marvel, it could be the franchise to help get theaters back open to crowds, when the market allows for it again.
Are you with Tom Cruise on this one?
Mission: Impossible 7 is set for release on November 19, 2021.