Comic Book Hot List for May 2nd, 2012

Wowzers!!  The month of May is already here!  Before you know it, the big summer events will be [...]

Wowzers!!  The month of May is already here!  Before you know it, the big summer events will be at their halfway points, sweltering heat will be upon us, and a sea of blockbuster comic book movies will be in theaters.  WAIT!  We're not there yet though!  No need to jump ahead when you have TONS of hot books coming out this week!  Read on below and see what the publishers you love and follow have in store for you this Wednesday!

DC Comics 1.  Earth Two #1  The next wave of DC's new universe kicks off with this issue, which focuses on another world where the old Earth 2 you thought you knew is gone, and a whole NEW host of surprises await here! 2.  Smallville Season 11 #1  You wanted the further adventures of the man who becomes Superman after his TV adventures ended?  You got it! 3.  World's Finest #1  Another big next wave book drops today, with Power Girl and Huntress off on their own heroic escapades! 4.  Batman #9  The next chapter of the Night of Owls continues here, and Wayne Manor, Alfred and the Batcave are all on the line here as Bruce fights back against the Talons. 5.  Batgirl #9  Barbara has her own hands full with the Court of Owls, as she fights against the court in her own way! 6.  Swamp Thing #9  You get a tease for the return of a classic Swamp Thing villain in this issue!  Guess who! 7.  Animal Man #9  John Constantine makes a guest appearance, and with that the newest arc for Animal Man begins. 8.  Green Arrow #9  Green Arrow, Leer and the Skylarks are about to throw down here!  Final issue of the current arc. Marvel 1.  Avengers vs. X-Men #3  Hope has fled, and both teams will be hot on her trail, but who will get to her first?  And hey, more fighting! 2.  Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #10  Miles has to square off against his uncle, who just happens to be the villain The Prowler.  No big. 3.  X-Men #28  More Skrulls!  This time, they set their sites on Utopia.  Pixie goes missing rather quickly, too. 4.  Amazing Spider-Man #685  Ends of the Earth continues, and Doc Ock continues his appearance here! 5.  Avengers Academy #29  The young folk get involved in the A vs X story, and Sebastian Shaw sees a group ripe for the picking. 6.  Daredevil #12  On a lighter, more romantic note, Matt makes a move for Kirsten here. 7.  Invincible Iron Man #516  The snoop and mole inside Start Resilient is exposed here! Image Comics  1.  Epic Kill #1  An 18-year old assassin named Song is on the top of everyone's hit list, and she's after none other than the President! 2.  Hack/Slash #15  The end of Monster Baiting is here!  Read it the way it's written!!  Smackdowns galore here! 3.  Supreme #64  Erik Larsen takes up Alan Moore's mantle here in this new direction for this iconic book. 4.  Spawn #219  The big battle between Spawn and Malebolgia is here as a new arc begins.  Don't miss it! 5.  Mind the Gap #1  A new tale begins, and a coma-bound subway attack victim holds all the answers in her mind. Dark Horse 1.  Angel and Faith #9  Faith's dad isn't making things any easier.  Throw on Drusilla and Faith may have more than she can handle. 2.  The Goon #39  If you're looking for a good spoof of the superhero industry, look no further than this issue! 3.  Star Wars: Blood Ties-Boba Fett is Dead #1  Guess you'll just have to read to find out more. 4.  B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth: The Pickens County Horror #2  If these titles aren't grabbing you, I don't know what will.