Daisy Ridley Turns Down Fan's Formal Invite Because She's Busy With Luke Skywalker

Usually, if a beautiful young woman turns down your request for a date to spend time with a senior [...]


Usually, if a beautiful young woman turns down your request for a date to spend time with a senior citizen in a robe, Hugh Hefner is somehow involved.

For Star Wars: The Force Awakens star Daisy Ridley, though, she found she had to decline a fan's invitation to a formal dance in order to spend time with Luke Skywalker.

...Which, at the end of the day, is pretty understandable.

Davidson College student Kevin Carlock shared a rap video last month in which he invited Ridley to his formal. It took her almost a month to finally see the video, and even then she couldn't go, but she took to Instagram to share a note with her suitor to tell him how much she enjoyed his attempt. You can see the exchange -- as well as Carlock's response to the rejection -- below.

@kevincarlock your video made my day! Can't believe I only just saw it! Thank you!!!

A photo posted by @daisyridley on

Good luck with VIII @daisyridley

A photo posted by @kevincarlock on

Asking celebrities to these kinds of events has become fairly commonplace in the age of social media, and in many cases creativity, charm or just plain guilt has been rewarded with figurative and sometimes literal date to the ball. There's been some debate about the degree to which high-profile "campaigns" to get a date put unfair public pressure on the (almost always) woman being pursued.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens can still be spotted in a few theaters around the country, but it's coming to digital home video on April 1 and then hitting Blu-ray and DVD on April 5.