Deadpool Movie: Check Out How The Visual Effects Were Created

It is always fascinating to see how the most extravagant scenes in movies come together, and [...]


It is always fascinating to see how the most extravagant scenes in movies come together, and Deadpool is no different. In the Visual Effects Breakdown below you get to see what was completely CG and what was helped along with green screen and practical effects.

I think that first sequence is one my favorites. You would never know that two guys are holding up that wing, or that there wasn't actually any fire in the room during Deadpool's escape. While I assumed Reynolds wasn't actually in the car while it was flipping over, I wouldn't have guessed they hung him upside down to a green screen (I would have just assumed they did it all in CG).

The best part is getting to see how the team pulled off Colossus, who finally, FINALLY, was done correctly. The amount of work just on his skin alone was enormous, but then to see the actor in the mocap suit and what it eventually became is quite impressive. Kuods to the team for knocking it out of the park.