Description Of Ant-Man Training Scene With Paul Rudd & Evangeline Lilly

In the latest issue of Empire there is a piece on Peyton Reed's Ant-Man. Empire was on set to [...]


In the latest issue of Empire there is a piece on Peyton Reed's Ant-Man. Empire was on set to watch a scene being filmed for what Marvel hopes is their next blockbuster, and they have provided a description of what they witnessed.

The scene involves Anchorman star Paul Rudd, who plays petty crook-turned-superhero Scott Lang, being trained how to fight by Hank Pym's daughter, The Hobbit star Evangeline Lilly. And by the sounds of it Lang could use all the help he can get.  

This morning's Ant-Man scene takes place in the basement gym of scientist Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) - or, in Rudd's words, "the Pymnasium" - where Empire is about to witness a classic training montage in motion. The star is gym-buff. Fake sunlight is streaming through the windows.

Then a fist socks Rudd in the face, and he goes down hard. "Ooh... Aaah... It huuurts..." he moans into the mat. Not helping matters, his opponent is a lady: Evangeline Lilly, as Hank's daughter Hope, who follows her finishing move by dancing around her flattened foe. As the camera keeps rolling. Rudd attempts to get up, his knee squeaking against the mat in a way that sounds a lot like prolonged flatulance. "Sorry," he says. "I'm on a very restricted diet."

Additionally, Empire says Lang's character isn't above fighting dirty, even if his opponent is a woman. You'll see him punch Hope in the gut, and even throw his headgear in an attempt to get the upper hand. Well, or at least to stop the pummelling that she's been dishing out.

(via: CBM)

Marvel's Ant-Man hits theaters July 17, 2015.