Exclusive: Here's When Constantine Producers Will Be Pitching to NBC

How much longer will fans have to wait to find out whether or not Constantine has a second [...]


How much longer will fans have to wait to find out whether or not Constantine has a second season? At least nine days.

A source close to the negotiations has told ComicBook.com that producers will meet with NBC to pitch the second season on April 27, at which point the network will go into deliberations and come to a decision, likely sometime in May.

The series has a small but passionate fan base who have held out hope for a second season in spite of a number of bad signs, including a recent (later redacted) report that NBC had already elected not to bring Constantine back in the fall.

At that time, showrunner Daniel Cerone acknowledged that a renewal would be an uphill battle: "While we marginally improved a tough time slot for NBC, we're a very expensive show to produce. A lot of NBC's decision making will not doubt hinge on their new pilots and how they feel those new shows would fare as a companion piece to Grimm, versus a second season of Constantine."

The #SaveConstantine social media campaign has been aggressive, visible and connected fans with the show's creators. It looks like that campaign is heading into the home stretch, with less than two weeks to make their voice heard to NBC before the most important day in the show's life so far