Fear The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: The Dog

Chris looks out the barber shop window as mayhem ensues and people flip police cars. A presumable [...]


Chris looks out the barber shop window as mayhem ensues and people flip police cars. A presumable zombie looks back at him and startles him. Travis orders him away from the window.

Madison pours a glass of water and dims her lights. She hears rustling across the street and Alicia looks on. They want to know what happened but Madison tries to come everyone down. Nick crushes his pills and Madison asks him to take them like normal but he won't. He insists he needs more and Madison says she has enough to East before he has to howl at the moon. They're waiting on Travis.

Travis and Liza discuss their plan to leave. Chris wants to leave without Madison. Rioters start breaking in to the place next door. Travis says they are safe in the barber shop because people woon't be interested in stealing combs. Travis tries to use the phone to call Madison while Chris fiddles with a razor. Daniel confronts Travis and tells him they will run in different directions if people are able to get in. Chris calls for his dad's attention and tells him the wall is getting hot. In Spanish, Daniel says they have to leave. The wall starts to bubble up. Travis gathers Chris and Liza and prepares to leave as Daniel gathers his wife and daughter. Everyone tries to exit and looters storm inside and destroy the place.

Outside, a zombified officer eats another. The two families scurry, trying not to be noticed among the chaos. Sirens ring out and thugs rally before the credits take the screen.

Back at Madison's, Nick sleeps on the couch as Alicia reads. Madison busts out Monopoly and claims the top hat, Nick the shoe, and Alicia the car. "Dad was always the shoe," Alicia says, referencing her late father. "Daddy wouldn't mind," Madison tells her kids. In the fastest set up game of Monopoly ever, Madison asks who wants to go first. "Shut up and roll," Nick tells the critical Alicia.

Rioters continue to destroy the Los Angeles streets as Travis and company look for shelter. Daniel's wife gets caught under fallen scaffolding. Travis and Liza free her but she can't walk on her own. They load her into the bed of Travis' truck and drive off, evading rioters. Police close in on the mayhem. Liza removes Griselda's shoe and sees the damage. It's bad.

Nick buys Boardwalk, the most valuable property in Monopoly, completing his pairing with Park Place. The fun settles when gun shots ring out and get Madison's attention. She rolls anyway. "How long are we gonna wait?" Alicia asks. "We can sleep soon," Madison tells her. "I can't sleep when I'm waiting for somebody to come home. I'm in a major case of deja vu right now," Alicia says, reminiscing on her dad.

Travis listens to the radio, which doesn't have much answers, and drives past a blazing, crashed ambulance. People panic outside the hospital. Police wave them along with flares. "You are not able to leave," the cops yell before shooting hospital patients. "Abajo! Abajo!" Daniel tells his family in the back of the truck (which means, "Down! Down!"). Travis continues driving past the hospital.

Liza continues to analyze Griselda's foot. Daniel tries to comfort her. Liza wants to go to another hospital but Daniel, an apparent pessimist, says they'll all be like that. Daniel claims he and Travis will be even after he gets picked up at Travis' house before the families watch the power grid go out throughout Los Angeles.

Madison prepares food for her kids and Nick wants to leave. It's been six hours. Madison asks Alicia to put the game away and Nick tries to convince her they should leave without Travis. He believes it's in their best interest. Alicia hears noises outside and they family looks but doesn't see anything. They close the shutters and hear something on another window. Nick investigates it and finds a German Shephard with blood on him but it's not his, acocording to Nick. The dog starts parking at the door and the Nick notices the dead neighbor walking towards their house from the middle of the street.

Nick goes off for a gun at the neighbors house. Madison and Alicia follow him. He's still wearing the old man's clothes, by the way. The three use a hidden ey to their neighbor;s house to enter. As they do the lights turn back on. They search the house. Alicia is by herself and the lights go off again. Nick finds the gun. Madison finds the shells. Outside, the dog barks. The zombie neighbor enters their house and chases the dog as Madison loads the gun. The dog barks but eventually stops, presumably eaten. Travis' truck pulls up and the three go after him, hoping to stop him from walking in.

Travis enters the house and calls out for Madison. Liza and Chris follow him. Travis believes their still there. He finds the dead neighbor in the living room eating the dog. Travis tells them to leave as the zombie tackles him. Madison and Nick rush to his aid and Alicia goes back for the shells. She finds an empty container of pills and sees two feet through a door way.

In Madison house, Daniel takes the gun from Madison who won't use it, and shoots the zombie once, blowing its face off but not killing it. He aims again, then kills it. Everyone is in shock.

Alicia rushes back through the yard and a zombie grabs her hair. She tries to get over the fence but it has her ankle. Chris helps her over and Alicia elbows him after he does. The family tries to figure out what happened to their neighbor Susan and Nick finally says, "She's not sick. She's dead." Alicia starts whining about Matt. Travis asks Nick why he'd say that and he says, "Because it's the truth." At least the druggie will acknowledge what's going on.

Chris cleans up his nose in the dark bathroom and Travis helps him. The lights come on before Travis tries to snap Chris' nose back into place. Turns out, not broken. Chris asks his dad what is going on and Travis down plays the scenario.

Daniel called his cousin. He's coming to pick them up in the morning. Madison wants to leave now. Travis wants to stay over night. Debate ensues. Travis wants to wait until they can see what's going on outside and Madison says Travis has to take care of Peter (the neighbor) if their staying.

Travis rolls him up in carpet or a blanket and takes Peter outside. Daniel wants to burn the body, claiming that burning him will keep the sickness from spreading. Travis is bitter about Daniel shooting Peter.

Inside, Travis finds Liza washing up. "They don't die, they keep coming back," she tells Travis, acknowledging he was right. Liza explains that Griselda's foot will become infected and kill her.

Ofelia questions her father. He insists he can handle everything on his own. "This is the wrong time to be in someone else's debt. They are not family," Daniel says. Griselda tries diffuse things and send everyone to bed. Ofelia questions how any cousins can be coming to help when she's been told they're all buried in El Salvador. Daniel tries to deflect by telling Ofelia that her mother needs her help. He insists he know where to go and Griselda trusts him. "It was your idea to teach her Spanish," Daniel says, explaining Ofelia's American accent while speaking Spanish.

Madison looks out the window. Travis asks where she got the pills. She tells him she went back to school. Travis explains that he had to bring Daniel, Ofelia, and Griselda to her house because they took her in, but for some reason, doesn't tell her about how crazy the streets were. "He had to," Madison says of Daniel shooting Peter. She knows what happens. She killed the principal. Travis doesn't know this.

Liza wanders around the kitchen. She approaches a silent Madison and tries to smooth things out between the two. Madison says she needs something from Liza. She says if she ever ends up like Susan, the zombified neighbor, she needs Liza to "take care of it." Liza agrees with a nod and walks away.

The next day, Travis digs a grave for Peter as Susan continues to growl at him. "Good morning, Susan," he says. Later, he brings the blanket to the street in a trash can. A big man with a mustache does the same a house down. Inside, Daniel teaches Chris how to load a gun and what bullets to use. Travis walks in and he's unhappy about Daniel's decision to teach Chris guns. Madison says she didn't see the harm but Travis tells her, "You know how I feel about guns," to which Daniel replies, "The gun doesn't care how you feel about it." They're all packed and ready to leave, Madison just has one more thing to do.

Outside, she holds a hammer by the fence. Travis finds her and Madison explains why she wants to put Susan down. Travis insists she's still Susan. He says it isn't Madison's place to make a permanent decision like killing Susan. Daniel watches from inside and calls Travis weak.

The kids pack their things in the car. Madison sits down and is startled when Nick says he needs a couple more pills. She abides and Nick sees the limited number of pills he has left. He selfishly states Griselda is a stranger and he needed all the medicine they had.

Griselda prays inside. Ofelia is concerned about the other families leaving. Daniel won't go with them. He insists he's protecting them. Griselda has faith in Daniel's ability to protect her. Ofelia says Travis, Liza and Madison are good people, but Daniel says, "Good people are the first ones to die."

Outside, Alicia is the last one to get in the car. She had to pee. Army helicopters fly over. Travis backs up and Liza looks at the neighbor's house. Blood covers the birthday blow ups. The two cars make their way down the street. Madison finds Patrick, Susan's husband as he starts to go in his house. She follows him but he finds his zombified wife. Susan goes in to bite her husband but an army man shoots her in the back of the head before pulling all the living away. Everyone is watching, including Alicia.

Military men pull Susan's body in a body bag to their truck. Travis and Madison are quizzed by an army woman. Travis names everyone who is there, including the Salazars. Madison wants to know where they took her neighbor Patrick. The army man says he was covered in the infected's blood before asking if Madison or anyone else in the house had been exposed. He finds the fresh dirt where Peter is buried and asks what it is and Madison tells him their dog died.

Nick surveys the windows of the neighboring houses while hiding from the patrol in the streets. A young girl holding a doll waves to Nick from across the way. He second guesses breaking into the house and see a plane flying overhead making very quick movements. One soldier spray paints by the door. "The cavalry's arrived. It's gonna get better now," Travis says. The soldier's put another body in a truck.

The Salazars look on from a bedroom and Daniel says, "It's already too late," in Spanish.