Former WWE Diva Expands About Her Role In Supergirl

From the WWE ring to National City, Eve Torres is bringing the former Justice Leaguer and [...]

(Photo: WWE)

From the WWE ring to National City, Eve Torres is bringing the former Justice Leaguer and intergalactic power house Maxima to life in an upcoming episode of CBS' Supergirl.

Torres, who retired from the ring three years ago, talked about how her role on the fan-favorite show and what it was like taking on Supergirl herself, Melissa Benoist.

"Anyone who reads the comics knows Maxima comes to Earth in search of a mate among the superhero population — specifically Superman," Torres said. "She's denied by him and she becomes very angry and bitter. We'll see how that history plays out in the show — every adaptation is a little bit different, but Supergirl does a great job with the source material."

Torres also mentioned that there is the potential for later Maxima appearances on the show later down the road, but nothing set in stone so far.

"I gave my birth to my son about six months ago, so while I don't have anything really in the works, this is really a chance for me to get back out there and back to work. There's also a potential chance for Maxima to be a recurring role in upcoming seasons, so that's really exciting."

You can see Torres as Maxima on the April 11th episode, "Myriad".

(Via WWE)