Gotham: Five Clips From Under The Knife Released

Fox has released five sneak peeks and a new promo from Monday's 'Under The Knife' episode of their [...]


Fox has released five sneak peeks and a new promo from Monday's "Under The Knife" episode of their freshman comic book-based series Gotham.

The Ogre threatens Jim Gordon in the "I Won't Be Long" clip. Oswald Cobblepot makes arrangements to end the Falcone/Maroni turf war in "A Thing Of Beauty" clip. In the "What Happened Last Night" clip, Bruce and Selina argue about if it is or isn't okay to kill someone while seeking justice. In the "Watch Him" clip, Bullock voices his concern with Gordon's temperament. Don Maroni toys with The Penguin by drinking with his mom in the "Drink With Sal" clip.

Check out the Gotham clips in the videos below.

In "Under the Knife," Gordon and Bullock continue to investigate the Ogre (guest star Milo Ventimiglia), who begins to make his move on someone close to Gordon. Meanwhile, Bruce and Selina team up to expose a corrupt Wayne Enterprises employee and Nygma comes to Kristin Kringle's defense.

Gotham airs Monday, April 20 at 8 PM ET on FOX.