Iron Man 3: War Machine Could Get Spinoff Movie

With Robert Downey Jr.'s contract up, no one knows for sure if there will be an Iron Man 4. While [...]

War Machine spinoff

With Robert Downey Jr.'s contract up, no one knows for sure if there will be an Iron Man 4. While everyone is hoping that Robert Downey Jr. will be back in the armor, could Marvel Studios go a different route if they fail to sign Downey Jr. to a new contract? In a podcast interview with Empire Online, Don Cheadle talks about the possibility of a War Machine spinoff movie. Don Cheadle said, "When we have talked about the [War Machine] spin-off, what the departure point might be for War Machine… [we've discussed that] it might be when he goes rogue, so to speak, and takes a mission that he believes he is morally responsible for but is against policy and does it anyway. What happens when he's out there and he's been dishonorably discharged but he still has the suit, or Tony makes him another suit?" Cheadle also added, "And now he's out there on his own too, but even worse than Tony, because now he's a fugitive. Because if we wanted to do it, I think the best way to do it would be go darker with it, to take it and make it even more visceral. Sort of close to the first Iron Man, how it began. It completely just felt really visceral and really realistic." Since Don Cheadle admits that their has been talk of a War Machine spinoff movie, what's the likelihood of it actually happening? While nothing has been confirmed obviously, Don Cheadle also mentioned in the interview that he signed seven contracts with Marvel Studios, which suggests that if Marvel Studios decides to go that route there won't be any need for additional paperwork.