Jesse Eisenberg says Batman Vs. Superman Is Really Good

Jesse Eisenberg was recently on the Today show to promote his new film, The Double. While there, [...]

Jesse Eisenberg

Jesse Eisenberg was recently on the Today show to promote his new film, The Double. While there, the host asked him about his upcoming role as Lex Luthor in Batman vs. Superman (which she mistakenly calls Batman vs. Spider-Man). "It's an interesting character. The movie is really good," Eisenberg said. "But yeah, if I say anything beyond that, somebody will probably descend from the ceiling." When asked about if he was getting any input from Gene Hackman, who played Lex Luthor in the Christopher Reeve era Superman films, Eisenberg joked that he was actually beginning to get annoyed by Hackman, saying that he "hasn't stopped calling. It's getting a little annoying." Batman vs. Spider-Man Superman comes to theaters May 6, 2016.

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