What are the most powerful stories in the world of comic books?Our users scour the Internet to find the latest and hottest comic book news.On our blog, we will present all the highlights and rumors.There are two recent comic books that are commanding high dollar on eBay.Both are only available in extremely limited numbers.To launch their new browser Chrome, Google sent out a limited number of printed comic books.The Google Chrome comic has been spotted on eBay going for over $1500.The second comic heating up eBay is a comic that was recalled to the publisher.All-Star Batman And Robin #10 had some dirty words that were supposed to be blacked out, but it turned out they were still readable in the comic.Everyone is talking about comic book movies.Casting rumors have included Johnny Depp as The Riddler, Philip Seymour Hoffman as The Penguin, Will Smith as Captain America, and Eva Longoria as the Wasp.While most of these rumors came from unconfirmed sources, Jon Favreau did reveal some details about the upcoming Iron Man sequels.The Mandarin will turn up as a villain.On the television front, the latest J.J. Abrams TV show premiered.Fringe offered the weirdness and mystery that has come to be expected in a J.J. Abrams show.While the verdict is still out on if the show will become the next Lost, it does look like it might be the best new show of the Fall season.
Mandarin In Iron Man Sequel, Fringe Premieres, All-Star Batman And Robin Recalled
What are the most powerful stories in the world of comic books? Our users scour the Internet to […]