New Mutants Will Be A Young Adult Movie

Fox’s X-Men cinematic universe is booming. This year will see the release of a new flagship film [...]

New Mutants

Fox's X-Men cinematic universe is booming. This year will see the release of a new flagship film with X-Men: Apocalypse, plus two new solo spinoff movies in Deadpool and Gambit. On top of that, the universe is branching out into television for the first time with two pilots, Hellfire and Legion, the latter of which has already cast its female lead.

So that's a mega-superhero-team blockbuster, an action-comedy, a heist film, plus two serialized dramas. What niche does that leave for Josh Boone's New Mutants movie? A pretty large one, as it turns out.

"That's more of a Young Adult movie," producer Simon Kinberg tells Empire Magazine.

Young adult adaptations has, arguably. been the only Hollywood trend to rival superhero films in popularity in recent years, so it make sense that Fox would want to try to combine the two genres where they can, something that hasn't really been attempted by another studio so far. Fans of the New Mutants will likely find this direction unsurprising, as its been the role of the team since its inception in the Marvel Comics universe, with the new class of students at Xavier's school serving as the "Teen Titans" to the X-Men's "Justice League."

Of course, the hallmark of young adult fiction has been strong, young, female leads, with Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games defining the archetype. Luckily, the New Mutants have several options to fill that role. If we had to pick one though, it would have to be Danielle Moonstar. She's been a team leader, and a total badass even after losing her powers on M-Day, and she even uses a bow and arrow, the weapon of choice for young adult heroes.

Boone has completed at least a first draft of the script for New Mutants, but the film is still without a release date.