President Obama's Supreme Court Nominee Sold Comics Collection To Pay For Law School

President Barack Obama today nominated appeals court judge Merrick Garland for the Supreme [...]

Merrick Garland

President Barack Obama today nominated appeals court judge Merrick Garland for the Supreme court.

During Obama's speech announcing the nomination, the President revealed that Garland is a old school comics nerd who had to sell his comic book collection to pay for law school. Obama, a known fan, also hinted that he may have done the same:

And he put himself through Harvard Law School by working as a tutor, by stocking shoes in a shoe store, and, in what is always a painful moment for any young man, by selling his comic-book collection. It's tough. Been there.

If you're wondering whether Garland prefers Marvel or DC, we can't be sure, but he does have a reputation for being a centrist, so we're guessing it's a little of both.