Stan Lee Update: Fans Worried

After reported yesterday that Marvel Comics icon Stan Lee had canceled upcoming [...]

After reported yesterday that Marvel Comics icon Stan Lee had canceled upcoming appearances for the near future, comic book fans around the world took to Twitter and Facebook to extend their well wishes to Stan Lee. While it's unclear exactly why Stan Lee has had to cancel on two upcoming events scheduled to take place in Ohio, the tone of the information that has been made available sounds concerning. In their initial email regarding Stan Lee's cancellation of his scheduled appearance at the Ohio Comic Con, Wizard World noted that they "were informed by Stan Lee's management that Stan would be unable to attend any upcoming appearances for the near future." reached out to Wizard World Public Relations Manager Jerry Milani asking if they had any additional information on the reason for Stan Lee's cancellation, and they replied, "We do not." In addition to the Ohio Comic Con next weekend, Stan Lee had also been scheduled to appear at Authors! Authors! series at Toledo-Lucas County Public Library on September 27. The Toledo Blade reported library spokesperson Susan Gibney said his agent indicated the cancellation was because of "a very serious circumstance." followed up with Gibney to see is there was any more information, and while confirming the event had been cancelled and not simply rescheduled, she told us, "We are not sure why he cancelled." While cancellations happen all the time at comic book conventions, Stan Lee is well-known as one of the hardest working men in the comic book business. Despite being at an age past when many would have retired, Stan Lee still does numerous convention appearances, cameos in Marvel Studios movies, and has several business ventures. In May of this year, Stan Lee did cut short an appearance at the Dallas Comic Con and canceled an appearance at the Hero Complex Film Festival. In the case of those cancellations, they occurred shortly after the death of business associate Arthur Lieberman, and Stan Lee was said to be suffering from fatigue in relation to all his appearances related to The Avengers. While Stan Lee's reason for the most recent cancellations is unknown, the fact that he is canceling all upcoming events suggests it's not just a scheduling conflict. Given that Stan Lee is 89 years old, many comic book fans are concerned that it could be a health issue, so many have been sending their well wishes via social media. Jack Fetch tweeted, "Lets all hope Stan Lee is ok. For him to cancel appearances, something bad must have happened. He doesn't stop working for anything." Jon Eadler tweeted, "My best goes out to Stan Lee, hope he's doing ok!" John Johnstone V tweeted, "Get well soon. I do not want to be living in a world without Stan Lee." Todd tweeted, "@TheRealStanLee hope you are ok. The world needs Stan Lee!" Jesse Fresco posted to Facebook, "Oh no. Please don't let another comics god be taken from us this year. I hope he's okay." has reached out to other sources trying to find out more information, but so far no one seems to know the exact reason for the cancellations. While several fans have tweeted well wishes directly to @therealstanlee, so far there has yet to be a response or update on if Stan Lee himself or someone close to him might be suffering from a health issue.