Star Wars Episode VII Shoot for Carrie Fisher Expected To Take Six Months

Rumors of an expanded role for Star Wars heroes Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in [...]

Carrie Fisher the Talk

Rumors of an expanded role for Star Wars heroes Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in the upcoming Star Wars Episode VII are looking more and more realistic following a Yahoo! Movies report in the U.K. that Fisher will be in London with the production for six months.

According to Jim Jeffries of TV's Legit, on which Fisher appeared in season two, the actress recently revealed that she'll be heading to London for six months of Episode VII filming.

"She's a funny lady, man," Jeffries told Sirius XM's Opie & Anthony Show. "She'll be smoking cigarettes outside and as soon as she gets inside, she's straight on to the vapor. She's had some f**king hard partying in her life, I tell ya… She said to me, she goes 'I'm going off to London for six months to film the new Star Wars movie,' right? And I don't think from looking at it, the new Star Wars movie is a direct continuation. It's number 7 but it's not going to be the next day, I'll tell you that much. Maybe she had the same problem the Emperor had, I don't know." While Disney has been mum on the sequel and Lucasfilm was notoriously secretive about the prequel films (just as director J.J. Abrams has been about all of his projects), Fisher hasn't kept her mouth shut about her excitement to return to a galaxy far, far away. She first said in March of last year that she would appear as Princess Leia again (then later dismissed it as joking). She's recently said it again, though, and in between there's been a number of thinly-veiled comments. Star Wars Episode VII is expected to begin filming in mid-May, so the odds are good that we'll get some kind of official announcement sooner than later.