Tank Girl gets Geared Up With Image Comics

This seems to be the year for comic book characters coming back to either life or publication in [...]

This seems to be the year for comic book characters coming back to either life or publication in general! Image Comics has announced at Comic-Con that writer Alan Martin, who helped create the character Tank Girl several years ago, will collaborate with artist Rufus Dayglo on a series of new one-shots featuring the fearless heroine. The issues will be released beginning this December, and while Tank Girl has been around in one form or another in print off-and-on over the past few years, bringing her to Image will signify bringing the character to a wider audience. The first one-shot, titled Tank Girl: Dark Nuggets , will see the return of some familiar faces to the series as well. Just in time for the Christmas holiday, Dark Nuggets will be one thing to consider slipping under the tree of a Tank Girl fan!