Terminator Genisys CinemaCon Footage

Earlier today, Paramount kicked off the studio events at CinemaCon 2015 in Las Vegas. The [...]


Earlier today, Paramount kicked off the studio events at CinemaCon 2015 in Las Vegas. The Terminator himself, Arnold Shwarzenegger opened up the panel in style, rocking a leather jacket and sunglasses as he commanded the stage.

Shwarzenegger tossed a few jokes to the crowd, saying that he wanted to enter by helicopter, motorcycle, or Caesar's Palace chariot, but Paramount wouldn't allow it. He also joked that the first 3 Terminators were the only ones that counted, "because [he] was in them."

Ultimately, he took the stage to introduce 12 minutes of footage from Terminator Genisys. The footage, which Shwarzenegger prefaced by saying it is a "work in progress," was a mash-up of what seemed to be the first two acts of the upcoming film. Below is a description of the footage which aired at the Caesar's Palace Colosseum during CinemaCon. Be warned, it contains spoilers form Terminator Genisys.


Kyle Reese talks about the "old world," before the apocalypse, as shots of a healthy world with green trees and children playing flash across the screen. Then, the world is destroyed. A young boy watches through the window of a plane as missiles rise above the clouds and head back to Earth. The Golden Gate bridge and cities are in ruins. A Terminator is activated and sent back in time. A young Kyle Reese is helped by John Connor.

Sky Net activated a protocol to go back in time and prevent anyone from stopping Sky Net's rule over the world. A terminator went back in time to kill Sarah Connor so that John Connor is never born and cannot stop Sky Net in the future. John Connor rallies the remaining humans and sends Kyle Reese back in time to stop the Terminator, using a tactical time weapon.

Terminators and flying 4 legged pods attack the human fortress. Kyle arrives back in time and dresses himself in a homeless man's clothes. A police officer pulls up at the end of the alley where Kyle was sent to and starts to chase him. They come to a confrontation where Kyle ultimately shoots him several times, but the cop is a terminator, T-1000. Kyle hides in a department store but the T-1000 emerges from a mirror and attacks Kyle with sword like arms. A truck barges into the store through the front windows and stops next to Kyle. The passenger side door opens and Sarah Connor yells for Kyle to get in if he wants to survive as she fires at the T-1000, slowing it up.

Sarah drives as Kyle rides shotgun. They open the door to the back of the truck, and Kyle sees the Terminator in the backseat and shoots him, despite Sarah yelling for him not to. The Terminator knocks Kyle unconscious with a gun when he comes around the back of the van.

Kyle awakens and talks to the Terminator. He speaks robotically, and Sarah says she's trying to teach him to blend. Sarah tells Kyle they have a new plan, "if the past can change, so can the future." They have to kill Sky Net. 

The cop from earlier starts to pursue the truck and leaps onto it from the hood of the cop car but is shot back down by Kyle. Kyle shoots the car and it explodes.

Kyle and Sarah are in what looks like an interrogation room. Detective O'Brien enters, saying that he wants to help them but needs to understand. They tell him they're saving the world, and he says he is in. The Terminator busts in and frees them. 

John Connor gets into the past, which is 2017, and meets his mom. In a parking garage, the Terminator shoots down John. John gets up though, and it turns out he is a Terminator.

A helicopter plunges from atop a skyscraper and just before hitting the ground, Kyle gains control and flies away. Other helicopters pursue Sarah, Kyle, and the Terminator. The Terminator tells Sarah, "I'll be back," and plummets through the enemy helicopters. Sarah says that John won't stop until Sky Net rules the world.

Kyle, Sarah, and the Terminator ride in a school bus across the Golden Gate Bridge. The Terminator is pulled down through the floor by John. John then causes the bus to flip through the air, then tumble off the bridge. The Terminator races to the bus in a police car, steps out as the car drifts away, and catches Kyle and Sarah just as they fall off the bridge.

Terminator Genisys hits theaters July 1, 2015.