The Walking Dead Claimed Episode: Five Cool Moments You Might Have Missed

When we run our recaps on Sunday night, we necessarily miss some things; as often as not, we're [...]

The Walking Dead Claimed

When we run our recaps on Sunday night, we necessarily miss some things; as often as not, we're watching the show live just like you and have to try and make sense of it all on the fly. Even when that's not the case, we can miss things on the screeners sent out to the press because the resolution is not very high and we don't necessarily know or recognize every reference being made. Last week, we brought you a handful of things that we had missed, and thought you might have, too--and response was good, so we figured we'd give it another turn.

The Walking Dead Super Dinosaur Easter Egg

Skybound Continues its post-apocalyptic dominance No comics publisher is as sought-after in the days following the zombie apocalypse than Skybound, the Image Comics imprint operated by The Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman. In earlier seasons, Carl has been seen wearing a Science Dog t-shirt (a series by Kirkman and artist Cory Walker), while earlier this season (in the episode "30 Days Without an Accident"), Michonne scavenged in town and brought Carl back a pile of comic books -- the one on top (and the only one visible) being Kirkman and Walker's Invincible (drawn by Ryan Ottley). "Claimed" sees one of the kids in the "Shh! Sleeping!" room died with a copy of Super Dinosaur in their hands - a comic by Kirkman and Jason Howard).


What was that guy doing in the bathroom? An eagle-eyed Redditor spotted drugs on the floor next to the intruder Rick Grimes killed in the bathroom. That might explain why, in spite of sitting on the toilet, the man was fully clothed and his pants weren't down. It might also explain why he was unable to fend off Rick's attack, even though he had a rifle strapped to his shoulder that he could have used as a ram rather than going for the scissors that were perpetually out of his reach--but we'll chalk that up to Rick's general bad-assery instead.


Oh, yeah--that guy isn't dead. That first guy who we thought might have died? The one who got choked out by his buddy because he wouldn't give up the bed? There's basically zero chance that guy is dead, which means there's somebody out there who has seen Rick's face, has a reason to think he's up to no good and can, in fact, finger him as the guy who killed an aggressive group of jerks's drug-doing member on the potty. Seems like that might come up in a future story, no? How are we so sure he didn't die? Well, because he was still breathing after his friend went to sleep--his eyes were closed, which doesn't necessarily happen by default when you die...and he didn't turn. In fact, he didn't turn in the time it took the other walker to turn. And since his buddy didn't bother to check on him, you know that he probably had confidence that his friend wasn't going to turn (unless he hasn't yet figured out the whole "We're all infected" thing, in which case the next time we see this group they'll have figured it out). That said, while many fans heard the other man's declaration of victory as "you're dead now," in fact he said "My bed now." Now--where things get really clever is that Rick and the man he killed were the only ones upstairs at the time. so...what are the odds that this guy survived being attacked by his living traveling companion, but then ended up a snack for his undead one before anybody could put a stop to it? That's possible, becuase...


Rick opened the door for the zombie That's mighty courteous of him, isn't it? The old Southern charm. For a second, you might think "why is Rick messing around here? Just get out." What might have seemed like an oddly unnecessary thing for Rick to do when he reached over and opened the bathroom door before making his way out the window -- but then we got it. And, yes, it paid off to have the guy you just killed ("We're all infected," remember) reanimate and start going after his buddies inside while you're outside trying to figure out a quiet way around the porch.


Dr. Mullet's creepy smirk Why is this a thing? Well, there's a suspicion going around that Eugene, afraid of being found out as a liar, may not even want Abraham and his group to make it to Washington, D.C. and that he may have actually taken the opportunity afforded by Abraham and Glenn's fight to damage the truck intentionally. Whether that's the case or not, he certainly didn't seem too upset by the delay in their travel plans, as you can see from the weird half-smile on his face above...