The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: Inmates

The “Inmates” episode of The Walking Dead opens with a voiceover of Beth Greene reading from a [...]

The Walking Dead Inmates

The "Inmates" episode of The Walking Dead opens with a voiceover of Beth Greene reading from a diary entry. Beth reads, "Hey, I know it's been awhile, and I'm going to be honest. I forgot about you. After the farm, we were always moving. But something happened…something good, finally. We found a prison. Daddy thinks that we can make it into a home. He says we can grow crops in a field, find pigs and chickens, stop running, stop scavenging. Lori's baby is just about due. She'll need a safe place when it comes. The rest of us we just need a safe place to be. I woke up in my own bed yesterday…my own bed in my own room. I've been keeping my backpack, keeping my gun close. I've been afraid to get my hopes up, thinking we can actually stay here. The thing is I've been starting to get afraid that it's easier just to be afraid. But this morning daddy said something. If you don't have hope, what's the point of living. So I unpacked my bag, and I found you." As the voiceover plays, Beth and Daryl are running through the woods with several walkers chasing them. Daryl kills several walkers. Beth and Daryl run through a field, before finally falling down in exhaustion. Beth's diary entry ends with a passage which reads, "So I'm going to start writing in you again. And I'm going to write this down now, because you should write down wishes to make them come true. We can live here. We can live here for the rest of our lives." After the opening credits, Daryl and Beth are sitting around a campfire. Beth is trying to convince Daryl that they aren't the only survivors. Beth insists, "You're a tracker. You can track. Come on. The sun will be up soon." After Daryl doesn't say anything, Beth yells, "Fine. If you won't track, I will." Then, Beth grabs a knife and takes off through the woods, and Daryl somewhat reluctantly gets up, puts out the fire, and follows her. It's the next day, and Beth and Daryl are hiking through the woods. Beth notices some tracks and suggests that they could belong to Luke or Molly. She says it means they're still alive. Daryl says it just means they were alive four or five hours ago. Beth insists that they should have faith, and Daryl says faith didn't do anything for her father. Beth turns and glares at Daryl. Beth starts gathering berries, insisting, "They'll be hungry when we find them." Daryl gives her his bandana to put the berries in. Daryl and Beth come across some walker bodies. Daryl says the blood near the walkers isn't walker blood. A walker comes out of the woods and grabs Beth from behind. Daryl pulls the walker off of her and starts wrestling with it. Beth grabs her knife and stabs the walker in the head. Continuing to follow the trail, Beth and Daryl come across some train tracks. They see a bunch of walkers eating some human remains, and Daryl shoots the walkers with arrows. They look down and see a kid's shoe, and Beth starts sobbing. It's night, and Beth is pulling blank pages from her diary and tossing them in the fire. Again, there is a voiceover of Beth reading from her diary. Beth reads, "We're not going to die…none of us. I believe now. I believe for daddy. If this doesn't work, I don't know how I could keep going." Lizzie and Mika are walking through the woods. Lizzie gives Mika a knife to put on her belt. Lizzie says, "It's going to get dark soon. Where are we going?" She's talking to Tyreese, who has been walking in front of them. Tyreese turns around to reveal that he's carrying baby Judith. Tyreese, Lizzie, and Mika have stopped for the night. The baby starts crying, and Mika is worried that the walkers will hear her. Tyreese gives the baby some milk from a bottle to keep her quiet. They hear something in the wood, so they take off.

The Walking Dead Inmates

It's the next day, and Tyreese and the kids are still walking.  Lizzie and Mika stop to eat some grapes. Baby Judith is crying again, so Tyreese changes her diaper. Baby Judith is still crying, when they hear some noise in the woods. Mika grabs Tyreese's injured arm, and he yells that she hurt him. Tyreese puts the baby down and goes to check out the source of the sound.  A bird flies out, and Mika gets scared and takes off running. Tyreese and Lizzie chase after Mika, and they finally catch up with her. Tyreese tells Mika that she did the right thing running, that you should run when you hear or see a walker. But he adds that when you're in a group you should try to stay close to the group. Tyreese hears screaming, and he says he has to go try to help whoever is screaming. He leaves Lizzie and Mika standing back-to-back with baby Judith. Mika begs Tyreese not to go, but Tyreese tells her that she's tough and can handle it. Tyreese comes across a family battling walkers. There is a younger man and an older man, who are being overwhelmed by walkers. Tyreese rushes in with his hammer to help. Back in the woods, baby Judith is crying, and Mika is getting scared again that the walkers will hear. Lizzie puts her hand over Judith's mouth to keep her quiet. Judith is struggling to breath and tries to push Lizzie's hand away. Back at the train tracks, the younger man gets bitten on the arm. Tyreese hits the walkers attacking the younger man with his hammer. Lizzie is still holding her hand over baby Judith's mouth and nose to try to keep her quiet. Walkers start coming out of the woods. Mika shoots one of the walkers. Tyreese hears the shot and is concerned, but a walker is coming right at him. Back in the woods, two walkers are heading at the kids. Meanwhile, Tyreese is still battling walkers. Tyreese yells at the older man to watch out, but it's too late. A walker bites the older man in the neck. The older man struggles free, and Tyreese hits the walker with his hammer. Suddenly, Tyreese hears a voice behind him. It's Carol, Lizzie, Mika, and baby Judith. Tyreese gives Carol a big hug and asks how she found them. The older man is sobbing over the death of his family. He tells them to stay on the tracks that they lead to a safe place where they can take the children. Tyreese, Carol, and the kids take off down the tracks. Tyreese tells Carol that he didn't see her get out. Carol says that she hadn't gotten back yet. Carol tells Tyreese that Rick and her found a car and that he took what they had back to the prison, while she kept looking. Tyreese asks if she saw what happened, and Carol says she saw the end of it and saw them running into the woods. Lizzie and Mika come across a sign. Mika reads, "Sanctuary for all. Community for all. Those that arrive, survive." They look at a map beneath the sign, which has a star marking "Terminus." In the woods, Maggie, Sahsa, and Bob Stookey are all together. Maggie is sharpening her knife, and Sasha is tending to Stookey's gunshot wound. Stookey tells Sasha that Tyreese could have made it, but Sasha says they don't know if anybody got out. Sasha walks over to Maggie. Maggie asks how Stookey is doing, and Sasha says the bleeding stopped. Maggie says that she's going to look for the bus and find Glenn. Sasha says that they can't split up, but Maggie takes off walking through the woods. Stookey starts to follow Maggie and tells Sasha, "You said it. We can't split up." Sasha and Stookey are following Maggie. Sasha is telling Stookey that they should be looking for food instead. They go around a corner, and they see the bus from the prison. Maggie runs toward the bus. The bus is filled with walkers. She tells Sasha and Stookey they should go. Then, Maggie starts to open the bus door, telling them that she has to know if he's in there. Stookey stops her and tells her that they will do it together, letting them out one at a time. Stookey and Sasha work the door letting walkers out one-by-one as Maggie stabs them. Then, the walkers push free with several coming out at once. Maggie is frozen for a second, but Stookey starts shooting the walkers. Maggie snaps out of it, and she stabs one of the walkers. Then, she picks up another walker and bashes its head in against the side of the bus. Sasha looks down at the dead walkers, and Stookey says, "They were good people. All of them." Maggie goes on the bus to look for Glenn. She spots a walker on the floor eating a dead person. She opens the bus door and pushes the person out, and she lifts up the walker and stabs it in the head. Then, she sits down and starts sobbing. The scene flashes back to the prison. A battered and bruised Glenn wakes up on the edge of a high walkway at the prison. He looks around and there are walkers all around him below. Glenn yells out for Maggie, but there's no response. Glenn goes back inside the prison. He looks around in the darkness with a lantern. Glenn enters his and Maggie's cell with his gun pointed in front of him. Glenn retrieves a suit of body armor from under a bed. He pulls it out, before collapsing on one of the beds. He rolls over to rest, and he spots a Polaroid that he took of Maggie sleeping. He starts sobbing. He looks at the photo again, before getting up and grabbing Hershel's pocket watch. He also grabs a knife and some other supplies. Glenn puts on the suit of body armor. Glenn leaves the prison and is mobbed by walkers. However, he fights his way through the horde. He comes across someone sitting inside a fenced area. It's Tara. He starts to leave, but he turns around and fights his way into the fence to Tara. He loads a pistol and gives it to her. He tells her it's full and tells her to come with him, but she doesn't respond. Glenn yells at her asking her is she's just going to stay there and die. Tara says that she was part of this. Glenn says he knows, but that he needs her help. Glenn makes a Molotov cocktail with the supplies he gathered, and he tosses it at a vehicle. When the vehicle erupts in flames, it draws away the walkers.  Glenn and Tara shoot their way out of the prison gates. Glenn and Tara have made it to a roadway. Glenn asks Tara if she saw if any of his people got out. Tara says that all she saw was her sister swarmed by walkers in a field. Tara says that her sister wasn't supposed to be there. Tara says that she trusted him (The Governor), and he killed that old man. Glenn asks if the old man's name was Hershel. Tara says that she's sorry and asks why he would want her help after what she was part of. Glenn says he doesn't want her help that he needs it. Glenn says that he has to find his wife Maggie. Glenn tells Tara that Hershel was a great man and told him that all he needed to do was believe. Glenn says that's what he is going to do, and Tara needs to help him find her. Tara says that she wants to believe that. A horde of walkers approaches them. Glenn goes up and starts stabbing the walkers. Tara eventually starts helping. Glenn starts gasping for air and collapses. Another walker grabs Tara from behind. Tara smashes the walkers head in with the butt of a gun Tara looks up to see an army truck is parked near them. Tara yells, "I hope you enjoyed the show, assholes." Two men and one woman come out of the truck. While they are not called by name, the trio are Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita. Abraham says, "You got a damn mouth on you. You know that. What else you got?"