Thor: The Dark World's Tom Hiddleston Plays Word Association

Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki in Thor: The Dark World, stopped by the Marvel offices to play a [...]

Loki Marvel Studios Panel

Tom Hiddleston, who plays Loki in Thor: The Dark World, stopped by the Marvel offices to play a game of word association with their own Agent M. The actor pulled answers from out of his mind, which Mark Ruffalo apparently says is "like a box of cats." Here are some of his answer:

Agent M: Thor Tom Hiddleston: Hammer…time. Agent M: Odin Tom Hiddleston: Father; complex. Agent M: Bifrost Tom Hiddleston: Rainbow Agent M: The Hulk Tom Hiddleston: Green, angry, insane…rematch. Agent M: Comic books Tom Hiddleston: Marvel Agent M: Schwarma Tom Hiddleston: Avengers, finale, Downey, Jr. Agent M: Green and gold Tom Hiddleston: Loki, beautiful, regal, magisterial, magical, me. Agent M: Mjolnir Tom Hiddleston: Heavy, worthy, unworthy, I am unworthy. Agent M: Agent Phil Coulson Tom Hiddleston: Clark Gregg, dead, undead, alive, why? Agent M: Glorious purpose. Tom Hiddleston: I am burdened with it! A thousand times yes.

Sounds like Hiddleston share some of the same questions about Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as other fans, and who doesn't want to see a rematch between Loki and the Hulk?