Zack Ryder Wins His First Intercontinental Championship At WrestleMania

You can easily put this on the top ten of WrestleMania upsets. Zack Ryder, who has floated between [...]

zack ryder ic
(Photo: WWE)

You can easily put this on the top ten of WrestleMania upsets.

Zack Ryder, who has floated between jobber and midcard status, has won his first Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania. Ryder, who hasn't held a singles title since his United States Championship five years ago, overcame all odds as he pushed the Miz off the ladder to claim the title belt.

Fans were behind Sami Zayn and it seemed like he had claimed victory on more than one occasion, but with Owens outside the ring and Zayn taken care of, Ryder ceased the opportunity to become the new Intercontinental Champion.