Roman Reigns Pulled From European Tour

It's been a challenging year for WWE's Big Dog, Roman Reigns. Starting at the top of the card and [...]

It's been a challenging year for WWE's Big Dog, Roman Reigns.

Starting at the top of the card and main eventing WrestleMania 32 to getting popped for a Wellness Policy violation, but still pretty over with the management, so he shuffled around the mid-card, but found his niche once again as the United States Champion. It's been a year for all of us, Roman. We feel you.

But now it's being reported that Reigns has been pulled from WWE's European tour. See, Reigns and Rusev has been a hot feud as of late for Roman's United States Championship and was a featured attraction on the tour, but for some reason, Reigns wasn't at their Vienna, Austria live event where he was replaced by Big Cass.

Famed professional wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer Online is stating that everything is fine with Roman and was not pulled due to Wellness Policy violations, sustaining an injury, or any behavioral reprimands, but had "family obligations" and had to leave.

"Nothing to be concerned over. Everything is fine," Meltzer continued to say.

With Reigns' hardships of the past year with trying to get over as the company's top face, it's easy to see why a lot of speculation is running wild among wrestling fans and commentators. Here's hoping everything is truly alright with him as well as his family. will be sure to keep you readers updated on Reigns' status as it becomes available.

(Photo: WWE)