Wednesday marked the 11th day of production on the Sons Of Anarchy spin-off series, Mayans MC, and creator/director Kurt Sutter shared a very familiar look at the new club to end the day.
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Sutter posted a behind-the-scenes photo on his Instagram account Wednesday night, and it was a look at the Mayans MC through the eyes of the director. The image depicted the entire Mayans Santo Padre charter, sitting down at the table in their clubhouse.
The picture features charter president Taino – played by John Ortiz – sitting at the head of the table. The man at his right is blocked, but it’s safe to assume that Riz (Antonio Jaramillo), the VP of the charter. Actor Frankie Loyal can be seen on the left of Taino, although his character’s name hasn’t officially been revealed. The only other face that can be seen clearly is that of the character named Padre, played by Breaking Bad alum Raymond Cruz. This character is said to be the older, wiser member of the charter.
This photo also offers the first shot of the Mayans founder himself, Marcus Alvarez (played by Emilio Rivera). It’s only the back of his head, but that slicked back hair and forward lean are extremely recognizable for any SOA fan.
If you look behind Taino, you’ll see that the door to the meeting room has the Mayans logo etched in stained glass. That’s a really cool blend of the MC style, with the classic Catholic themes in Latino culture.
Throughout Sons of Anarchy, the club often had some of their biggest moments at the table. They often times referred to it as ‘Church’. To these clubs, this table is a sacred place where only true brothers are welcome.
Mayans MC is looking like an awesome follow-up to Sons of Anarchy, and each photo Sutter shares helps to further that point.

The Mayans MC pilot is currently in Los Angeles. Sons Of Anarchy creator Kurt Sutter is directing the episode, with a script written by showrunner Elgin James. If picked up to series, the show will likely air on FX this fall. The cast for the series includes JD Pardo, Antonio Jaramillo, Clayton Cardenas, John Ortiz, Richard Cabral, Sarah Bolger, and Edward James Olmos.
Casting Reveals Link To SOA / Emilio Rivera’s Role Revealed / Kurt Sutter Set To Direct Mayans MC
Set in the aftermath of Jax Teller’s death at the end of SOA’s seven-season run in 2014, Mayans MC will focus on the struggles of Ezekiel “EZ” Reyes, a prospect in the Mayan MC charter on the California/Mexico border. EZ is the gifted son of a proud Latino family, whose American dream was snuffed out by cartel violence. Now, his need for vengeance drives him toward a life he never intended and can never escape.